If you read Buddhism, three things the Buddha says cannot remain hidden for long. The sun, the moon and the truth. And it should dawn on everyone that the truth is finally hitting home about George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, the neocons and what they did to another generation of fine young men and women in a series of tragic wars.

Occupation, which is really what it is, of Afghanistan has gone on for 13 years. That was ushered in by 23 years of war between the Soviets and the same group of happy campers, mujahidin and various mujahidin facBoyles-G-Wtions. The final result — the Taliban.

Remember in October 2001, the U.S. invades Afghanistan for harboring Osama bin Laden. No one will ever know the numbers of people killed and lives of people destroyed. And the Bushies put the chosen people in power in Kabul and tried to make deals with war lords, who themselves often hired the Taliban.

After that in March 2003, the Bush Administration took on Saddam Hussein. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others made repeated claims that Iraq possessed chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

This, George Bush and the screaming neocons said, was a direct threat to the security of the United States of America and the rest of the civilized world.

Following the invasion of Iraq, months and months of investigations found no stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. In fact, no evidence of any active “wmd” programs were ever found. The evidence now indicates their program for nukes ended in 1991 following the first Gulf War. Iraq destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile in ’91. Its biological stockpiles in ’91 and ’92. Through 1998, UN weapons inspectors repeatedly checked suspected facilities, installed cameras and nothing was ever there.

Remember this is the first time in the history of our nation that, unprovoked, the United States of America invaded a sovereign country.

George Bush invoked this war using two repeated mantras. One was weapons of mass destruction. The other was a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, that Saddam had ties with Al-Qaeda and therefore was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Both are giant lies.

In fact, today there is no evidence or even an email or a conversation between the regime and bin Laden. Saddam Hussein hated the religious crazies and did everything in his power to destroy them and did.

In August 2006, a report from Congress under the direction of John Conyers, “found that members of the Bush administration misstated, overstated and manipulated intelligence with regard to links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda.

We are now able to read minutes and notes in reports commissioned by Dick Cheney about invading Saddam well before the terrible attacks of September 11, 2001.

The documents speak for themselves. Cheney’s secret energy task force that includes maps of Iraqi oil fields and pipelines, refineries, terminals and a whole section titled “Foreign suitors for Iraqi oil field contracts.” These documents and studies are dated March 2001, six months before 9/11, two years before Bush invades Iraq.

When the 9/11 Museum opened in May, and they were all invited, not one neocon attended. Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld conspicuous by their absence.

So now, as we write this, we’re witnessing the fall of Baghdad much like the fall of Saigon. Puppet governments, corrupt individuals, lies told by the Administration (remember Lyndon Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin incident where Johnson claimed that the USS Maddox and sister ship the Turner Joy were attacked at night by a nonexistent navy in the Gulf of Tonkin).

I find myself like so many people drawn to this insanity and asking ourselves how can we get rid of these people?

I believe that the Administration invaded Afghanistan but the primary target all along was Iraq. They sold the war with lies and now the great sadness comes home. A lot of brave young men and women’s lives will never be the same. Middle East is in turmoil, the despots that kept their thumbs down on religious crazies are gone and we’re watching the birth of an insanity that will rage across Sub-Saharan and Saharan Africa into Europe. And of course you cannot say anything bad about Islam because the politically correct will call you an “Islamophobe,” the modern equivalent to racist.

I rest my case.

— Peter

P.S. It’s going to be fascinating when Mrs. Clinton begins her run to the Oval Office and millions of racists will suddenly become anti-feminists. Mark my words.

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