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CLICK HERE for the entire raw, unedited and unaltered transcript and audio recording of the incredible Tehranian Death Star meeting with the wealthy Persian rug merchants Mohammad Ali Kheirkhahi and Nasrin Kholghy, and their high-powered consultants Dana Crawford, David Tryba, Chris Shears and Bill James, seeking to pressure Glendale officials — Police Captain Mike Gross and Deputy City Managers Chuck Line and Linda Cassaday — into tentatively approving a massive 50- to 60-story condo high-rise on Colorado Boulevard abutting Cherry Creek.

Listen for yourself to the so-called “historic preservationist” Dana Crawford declaring that citizens in Denver were “hysterical about blocking their views” as well as offering “special sugar” for approval of the massive project. Hear famed architect David Tryba demand that Glendale be “more encouraging [about] more verticality” and RTD Director Bill James asserting that because Glendale is a separate jurisdiction surrounded by Denver it would be “easier to get away with” this type of massive high-rise.

Experts are calling the recording and transcript “unprecedented” and “extraordinary” and “a must hear and read” for any citizen in the Denver/Glendale area concerned about how developers and their consultants try to, and usually succeed, in running roughshod over zoning and Master Plans put in place by citizens.


The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle has been inundated with e-mails, letters and correspondence concerning its March story “Wealthy Rug Merchants Plans Exposed.” To be able to print more of the correspondence the Chronicle has elected to devote its entire editorial page to “We Get Letters . . . .”


I must congratulate the Chronicle. Over a year ago you indicated that the real goal of the wealthy rug merchants at Authentic Persian & Oriental Rugs was to build a massive high-rise on the 3.5 acres of land they own off Colorado Boulevard. They constantly denied the same to the public and then you capture them on tape doing exactly that. Amazing. Kheirkhahi and his sister-in-law as well as their high priced consultants certainly know how run into a doorknob at full speed.

S. Johnson
Denver, CO


Mohammad Ali Kheirkhahi and his sister-in-law Nasrin Kholghy are not nice people and I should know, I was one of their stalking targets in Glendale.

Douglas Stiff
Glendale, CO


I can’t tell you the outpouring of support I have gotten throughout Cherry Creek Valley for publically standing up to Kheirkhahi and against his proposed massive condo project. I want to thank the Chronicle for being the one publication in the Denver area that is never afraid to print the truth. Keep up the good fight

R. Wayne King
Glendale, CO


I am not a big fan of the Rug Merchants, but I support the idea of having a high-rise condo in Glendale and I think it could be a very successful development. Nobody is building condos these days and the city is saturated with rental properties. I’d be very interested in buying in a high-rise, providing it is a modern design with floor to ceiling windows and doesn’t have Tehran in its name.

Sasha Veysbeyn
Denver, CO


Thank you for continuing to update the Glendale public on the transformation of this situation. I want to thank the City Officials of Glendale for staying strong to protect the zoning codes and the city as it currently stands. I want the city of Glendale to know that we support you and do not want a building such as this in our neighborhood.

Laura Haas
Denver, CO


I have always had such admiration for Dana Crawford but it is easy to see the dollar signs in her eyes with this one. Since I don’t, I can easily see what a hideous monstrosity this would be, not to mention the nightmare it would create for people commuting. I hope the lawsuit ties this up for years. Who says we have to aspire to be like New York or Tehran… I think all of us who live here prefer a relatively unfettered view of our beautiful mountains. Stay strong, Glendale. Don’t let these people bully you into a disaster (and an ugly one at that).

Julie [last name not provided]
Denver, CO


Given the traffic congestion on Colorado Blvd., they should design a heliport on the top of this tower so that residents can access their condos.

Will Cameron
Denver, CO


Here’s to hoping that Death Star never gets started. The land and look and feel of Glendale just doesn’t lend itself to skyscrapers. Case in point, the perpetually abandoned looking, relic Lowes building. The biggest thing in Glendale that no one ever wants to even look at. That’s how out of place that monstrosity seems. So no, we don’t need a circa 1980’s Diehard movie, Nakatomi Plaza smack dab in the middle of what could be a a very nice, river-walk style, pedestrian, open retail area.

Jose Rosario
Denver, CO


You are the biggest racist I have ever seen. You Make Donald Trump look like Mother Teresa.

Whether the rug people are bad or not is not the issue. but your constant degradation of Iranians and Muslims is ridiculous. I hope the FBI has you on a watch list dude you are dangerous.

Donnie Smith
Denver, CO


I am so grateful to the Glendale city officials who have blocked the progress of M.A.K. development and the Kheirkhahi family with their monstrosity residential idea. I hope this blockage is forever. How unfair of them to corral the hi-falutin’ Denver city celebrities and power brokers to push their idea of a 56-story nightmare onto Glendale’s Colorado Boulevard profile. Also how unfair of them to request an exception to the city plan, rather than be good citizens and follow the plan. I held my breath until the final sentences of last month’s article. I shop in Glendale and Belcaro, eat at City Set, and use the Post Office and feel it’s my neighborhood still, even though I’ve moved to Windsor Gardens. I have sorely regretted the development that has already taken place in Glendale that has caused the lines of traffic on S. Cherry Creek Blvd. and increased traffic on Leetsdale and Colorado Blvd. South Cherry Creek Blvd. used to be an unknown, lightly-used and quick route down to Holly and Monaco and Quebec streets — a back way to go south. Now it’s stop-and-go most times of the day. And it is often hard to find parking at City Set where popular local restaurants are located. Glendale used to be a place where people could rent for less expense. More luxury condominiums are not what Denver needs. More low and middle income rentals are what is needed. Just what point are the Kheirkhahis trying to make with this monstrosity?

Colleen Nunn
Denver, CO


I was particularly surprised and dismayed to hear Crawford’s statement that “If we want to double Denver metropolitan population we’re going to have to get over our hysteria about high-rise buildings because Denver just, you know, the neighborhoods just get bonkers over the subject.” For one, who wants Denver’s population to double? Certainly not current residents! Denver is already plagued with heavy traffic, especially along Colorado Boulevard. Denver residents are proud to live in Denver and are grateful for this beautiful city — of course we don’t want to destroy it by over-populating it! For another, if the neighborhoods “get bonkers” over something, it is because it is an important topic and there are strong and majority opinions about it — someone truly looking out for the benefit of the city and its residents would not belittle or ignore those opinions.

I applaud and thank the City representatives for standing their ground and not being unduly influenced by a wealthy minority.

Jenny Thorvaldson
Denver, CO

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