boyles-crystal-ball-11-16It came to pass in those days, that the Republican Party has long doomed itself, and headed to the trash heap of history feeds up like the Phoenix bird out of its own ashes, emerges our hero, the modern Siegfried Republican stalwart Donald Trump. As I am writing this column in the middle of October I am about to predict everything that is important on your ballot as you read this and want to brag about being a winner as opposed to being a loser and making intelligent choices, follow along.

I watch Republican party moralists, other newspaper people and other radio talk show hosts, many of them I know and I know their private lives as well, seizing the moral high ground of Donald Trump’s language and alleged assaults on women. Suddenly, the left and some laughable Republican former office holders, decry Trump’s behavior — the smell of that permeates the entire state.

These are the people that say nothing about rap music, 50 Shades of Gray, any other sleazy thing that slithers out of Hollywood, and please never forget how many Democratic and Republican operative powerhouses slipped down to any one of the four locations of (“Players and Sugar”) to get their pay to play with a 22-year-old hooker. These are the same people seizing the high ground on Donald Trump. My prediction, Donald Trump will be beaten and beaten handily. The good news is I hope the Republican Party rots in hell. They do not deserve your vote. If you knew the private lies of these self-important men it would gag a maggot. As they call it further down the ballot, there are some really great young men running as Republicans that I would love to see win. Tragically, they will also lose.

In this last year, I have met two of the finest young men I know who are brave enough to climb into these congressional races. George Athanasopoulos and Casper Stockham both running for Congress are decent, fine young men, dedicated hard chargers who will get their hats handed to them as well. I have gotten to know these men, travelled with them, know their families and know their hearts and they will be beaten by Ed Perlmutter and Diana DeGette, respectively. But if you could find your way and you live in the 1st or the 7th, vote for these young men. At least perhaps we can light a fire that these other creeps can’t put out.

This has been a very angry year for me. I have watched the media’s foolishness, the lack of integrity of political parties, the influence of big money and what will eventually come to an ultimate great sadness. The week I am writing this, Donald Trump is spending his time tweeting about Saturday Night Live and Paul Ryan. Hillary Clinton on the other hand, dances in the moonlight, seems overly prepared for debates and frankly, beats Trump hands down. We have had bad electoral outcomes in the past. In this country, the late great Barry Goldwater who scolds said if he won there will be rioting in the streets of America and young Americans would die in Vietnam. He of course, lost and those things, in fact, happened.

I have no idea who Hillary Clinton is and, of course, no one knew who Barrack Obama was. Unfortunately, I believe we will find out who Hillary Clinton is.

Other things on the ballot — for God’s sake, if they have anything to do with RTD, give them nothing. You need only to recall “the train to the plane.” Isn’t that enough.

Wait there’s more:

  • Amendment 69, the Colorado Care Initiative, that dog won’t hunt. Have you people learned nothing about Obamacare.
  • Amendment 70, minimum wage, just say no.
  • Amendment 71, requirements for initiated constitutional amendments, say yes to that. And stop the little creepoids from walking up to you with clipboards in Cherry Creek and asking you to save the whales.
  • Amendment 72, cigarette and tobacco taxes, vote that down also. If you are not smart enough not to smoke, I can’t do much for you.
  • Proposition 106, medical aid and dying, for God’s sake we do it for our dogs.

So let’s get a wrapup. Trump’s got no shot, so vote for him. Stay as far away from the Republican Party as you can. Stop these fools from getting more of your tax dollars, especially RTD. And hope for the best next time. And while we are at it one more … the only person worth their salt in the Senate Race is Lily Tang Williams. She grew up under the Maoists and the Red Guards. Here’s a woman who knows where we are headed. I wish she was running for Governor.

Let’s see how good I am about predicting.

— Peter

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