From Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman, to Daniel Ellsberg, the former RAND corporation CIA operative and Marine, the repetition of the establishment in a foreign war would make any intelligent person throw up.

If you recall, then Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, formed the Vietnam Study Task Force that created what became known later as the Pentagon Papers. Now here we are in 2023, and they have this young man arrested in connection with the same charge, the leak of classified documents. Federal authorities were on him immediately and he was charged with possessing classified documents pertaining to national security and possessing national defense materials. Circle back.

The Pentagon Papers, the NY Times 1966, led to what was a great media battle sin. The papers demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration had systemically lied not only to the public but also to Congress.

The papers revealed the United States had secretly spread the scope of the war throughout all Southeast Asia.

Now we discover that there have been American special forces operatives in Ukraine which we never knew, another Biden lie. Once again draw a line back to Johnson’s lies. This is repetition of the lies of the executive branch when it comes to a war in what I believe will become Europe’s Vietnam.

The question for me remains how the military industrial complex needs to be fed. The Biden administration is willfully feeding the complex that Eisenhower so warned us about. We have spent billions and billions of dollars. Rep. Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois Democrat, was in a meeting with Pentagon officials and said, we spend billions and billions of dollars collecting and preserving these secrets, and a 21-year-old is able to access them, print them out, and share them with a bunch of his teenage friends. “It’s just mystifying. This is absolutely ridiculous.” Congressman, I agree.

I don’t think this happened by accident. The Biden administration currently is trying to manage this leaked classified information, the paper and the documents catch them red-handed, about U.S. operations inside Ukraine.

We have talked before about trip wire wars. Barbara Tuchman, one of my many heroes as a historian, has her two most important books, The March of Folly and The Guns of August. It’s the identical history model that leads to European war. These scenarios of history are incredibly repetitive, from the Franco Prussian War, to the First World War, to the ultimate insanity of the Second World War. Cheering Joe Biden is ultimately going to get this country into deeper trouble in a part of the world that has never really settled World War One.

As Ellsberg and Sheehan and others proved, it was a lie. It was a bright shining lie. Remember Ellsberg was also charged under the espionage act for what, I believe, was ultimately a heroic act. Let’s see what they do with this young kid.

— Peter Boyles

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