The State Of Colorado Turns Its Lonely Eyes To You
When I first noticed Kim Kardashian away from reality television and Entertainment Tonight, I found her to be an influence in the social contacts of former President Donald Trump. And then, much to the chagrin of all of my attorney friends, I found out she’s studying to be a lawyer.
My response, when questioned why you didn’t go to law school, has always been, “Because my parents were married.”
So, Jared Polis, no man’s fool, the smartest elected politician in Colorado since Ben Nighthorse Campbell became a Republican, cops one of the greatest, smoothest moves in the history of political infighting in colorful Colorado.
Now mind you, recently convicted Rogel Aguilera-Mederos killed four people and ruined the lives of many more, rightfully was sentenced to 110 years. Remember that Uncle Jared has his eyes on the same offices Uncle Don was in when he first copped a deal with Kim Kardashian.
So, watching the Jefferson County District Attorney’s office doing cartwheels to avoid the plague of social injustice, Jeffco DA Alexis King asked for a hearing for the Judge to reconsider to the mandatory sentence for the 28-car crash driver for losing his brakes coming down I-70. And the Judge agreed.
Enter the dragon. Jared Polis jumped in first and reduced the sentence to 10 years because, although he won’t admit it, he was heavily influenced by none other than Kim Kardashian.
As an elderly straight old man I’m sure Kim Kardashian could influence me to do almost anything. But still, I don’t think I would have walked him out with what former DA and my colleague George Brauchler says could amount to just five years in prison. So, divide four lives taken and countless other lives ruined into five years and what’s he doing, about 28 minutes a life?
Kim called Polis a good person. Now Jared has the Hollywood left, the national social justice warriors, the mainstream media, every two-bit hack in the Democrat Party, and the future locked in.
My prediction is Uncle Jared gets a second term with his eyes on the prize and will be presidential timber in 2024. Kim Kardashian thanked Jared Polis after he reduced the sentence to 10 years from 110 and then Polis denied talking to her. Is this a great country or what?
Keep your eyes on the road ahead. Tap your brakes. And remember according to Kim Kardashian, Aguilera-Mederos will now have an opportunity to come home in five years and be with his son and wife. So much for the people that he killed and the people he burned.
— Peter Boyles