Great Upsets

Great Upsets

In the history of American politics, elections and battles like what happened Tuesday, February 19, 2019, don’t really stack up, however it is unbelievably impactful when it comes to State of Colorado politics and stupid progressive ideology. State lawmakers announced they were abandoning plans to introduce a new law that would have allowed heroin shooting-up sites in Colorado. This may be Colorado’s version of Truman versus Dewey, Doug Jones versus Roy Moore, Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton, another great upset. In the world of military history, the Battles of Marathon and Agincourt are other upsets. Or how about this for you sports fans — MY 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates against your New York Yankees, the first Cassius Clay – Sonny Liston fight, the U.S. Olympic hockey team smacking the Ruskies. So you’re starting to get the picture.

I am amazed that now all the political and media power brokers who were advocating to bring in the insanity of heroin/meth injection sites in Colorado have overnight become victims. “And hence,” as Patsy Ramsey wrote, they are not the victims. Let me take you back to before the bell rang.

When Albus Brooks had a 12 to 1 vote in Denver City Council, all the power brokers and the dominant media were in favor of this insanity. The Democrats had just swept into office, they held the House, the Senate, the Executive Branch, the AGs office, Treasurer, Secretary of State, every position of power in the State of Colorado.

We — myself, Chuck and Julie, and Steffan Tubbs — work at a five thousand-watt directional AM radio station. In the media landscape we don’t exist. And we, with the power of a wonderful audience quite frankly kicked their collective asses. We went to the stream and got three smooth stones and dropped the giant Philistine Goliath/George Soros. And so now they’re the victims and we’re the bullies? Let’s recap.

On my next birthday I’ll be 76-years- old. My colleague Steffan Tubbs was a newsman and found his teeth, laid his ears back and rushed them in Vancouver. One of the smartest men I’ve ever known in my life, Chuck Bonniwell, is a novice at talk radio. And his colleague-wife, certainly the better half of the team, Julie Hayden, was basically one of the best investigative TV reporters in the city. This highly improbable team slew them, brought them to their knees, did ground and pound. Made them tap out.

And now as State Senator Brittany Pettersen threw the towel over the top rope signaling the end of the fight, we are the bullies. Do you believe that’s the outcome? They had Kyle Clark the crown prince of Channel 9, The Denver Post, 5280 Magazine, Complete Colorado, Colorado Inside Out, Westword, Susan Greene, little stooges like Jason Salzman, the whole Progress Now lineup, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, the Republican establishment all lined up on us. And yet we’re the bullies, fear mongers and liars. Yet with the exception of Albus Brooks, not one of these bastards went up and walked down East Hastings Street in Vancouver.

They tell us they’ll be back. In the words of Joseph Stalin when speaking about the end of the Second World War in keeping Germany from becoming a whole nation again, “Let

them reunite and they’ll be at our throats in a generation.” Well, to Brittany, Kyle, Albus and company, we stopped you at the bridge, we’ll be waiting for you next time.

And they still haven’t gone to Vancouver to see the nightmare that we witnessed. Just like a Steven King novel the evil never dies. Count on them to come back with this insanity next year. We’ll see you then.

Great Upsets

Buying Richard Nixon’s Used Car

For those of us who are old enough to remember when the “Trickster” was running for President in 1960, a picture used to pop up of a somewhat grinning Richard Nixon with these words, “Would you buy a used car from this man?”

Well, Denver City Council took it one step forward. They didn’t even look at the picture. They had no idea what they were voting for, but according to battling City Councilman “Dodgeball” Paul Kashmann, with the exception of el Chapo Guzman, aka Albus Brooks, none of them went up to Vancouver to see the supervised injection sites.

Are you kidding me? It’s the equivalent of “I got a car in the parking lot.” You’re standing there and you want to buy it. I tell you, “This car’s fine, runs like a top. Brakes are good, tires are great. It’s got a thousand miles on it, purrs like a kitten.” You say, “Well thank you, Peter I’ll buy that baby.” Without sitting in it, starting the engine, driving it around the block, stepping on the brakes, turning on the radio or the windshield wipers to see if there’s any fluid in that little blue container.

Does it get any stupider than this? The answer is yes. It now sits in the hands of a bunch of progressives and a Democrat controlled House, Senate, Attorney General and of course the Governor. Supervised injection sites.

Two weeks ago a band of “Merry Men” — myself, my trusted colleague Steffan Tubbs and the Chief of Staff (also known as the KNUS hammer) Mark – 31 years as a Denver cop – Crowley — went off to see the wizard. We should have taken Kyle Clark along as Dorothy. I went as the “Tin Man,” Mark as the “Scarecrow,” and Steffan the “Cowardly Lion.” We went to the Emerald City — Vancouver, British Columbia, where they have been shooting smack since 2003.

I tried to describe it to my friends and family like this — it’s a George Romero movie. Remember The Night of the Living Dead? And the follow up, The Dawn of the Dead. It’s the AMC series on TV, The Walking Dead. It’s Bob Dylan: “They have tombstones in their eyes.” It’s Thunderdome. It’s worse than Old Cairo. It’s crazier than the Bedlam lunatic asylum in Dickens’ London. I saw people on their knees in a psychosis howling at the moon. Street soldiers of the cartels run the streets. I saw people spreading out pieces of cardboard and putting old brown shoes and dirty pants for sale. Tragic, emaciated women offering alley sex for as much or as little as you wanted to spend. It’s a horror show.

Apparently, according to Kyle Clark, it will now be at 231 E. Colfax in Denver, right next to the Department of Education where they park the school buses for all the little kiddies who come to visit the State Capitol.

Now for some reason, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is acting like a cat in the sandbox. You’d never know that he “fully supported” safe injection sites when it was voted in by Snow White’s companions at the City Council November 23rd. Now he’s got second thoughts. It is really up to us.

There is nothing compassionate about the war zone in Vancouver. They’re not saving lives. The overdose death rate is staggering, hospitals are overflowing, the crime rate soars and

these sightless fools are inviting that to be right across from our State Capitol.

The first one opened in Vancouver in 2003. Now there are six with the seventh about to open. Did anyone in the Chamber of Commerce, anyone in the Catholic Church, anyone with room temperature IQ think this is a good idea?

In Vancouver they don’t ID, they use street names where they shoot. All the helpers want to know is what drug are you shooting today. The Irish call it the “pig in the poke” and Colorado’s about to buy it.

It is up to you and me to call legislators to stop this insanity. Can anyone imagine a young kid in high school who is having a very bad day and wants to go to a safe site injection center and shoot? Think of it this way. You have discovered your son or daughter has a drug problem, a bad drug problem. Do you tell them to go to their room, you’ll procure their drugs, help them tie off; let them shoot thinking someday that’s going to help them quit? If you believe that there’s more than just a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for you. I watched a lot of scams and a lot of switcheroos but these people have never gone to see what they’re bringing here to you. God help them.

Great Upsets

Nice Traditional Opium Dens Coming To Your Denver Neighborhood

I’ve been a witness to malfeasance and criminal activity and just plain underhanded, off the bottom of the deck dealings in the City of Denver for a number of years. I go back as far as the McNichols administration stretching now into the town’s best friend Michael Hancock.

I have also been a monitor of the total lay down media in the Front Range including radio, television and newspapers. But never in my storied career have I seen anything as tragic, misreported and flat dishonest behavior than I have witnessed beginning when the Denver City Council voted 12-1 to initiate supervised use sites for injectable drugs.

The biggest offender other than the elected officials has been KUSA, Channel 9. I’ve accused them of being weaponized before when it came to creating Deborah Ramirez, the behavior of Brandon Marshall, what happens inside Denver Broncos, Denver Players and Sugar, ignoring the truth about Matthew Shepard’s murder, the George Babbitesque home town boostering and flat-out media manipulation. The Denver Post is behind that and other media outlets have played the same game and many just choose to turn a blind eye.

The biggest offenders on the political side I happen to believe are John Hickenlooper and Michael Hancock. If anyone thinks that Councilman Albus Brooks came up with this on his own I got a bridge in Brooklyn. Also, dear reader don’t you find it suspicious that there has not been anyone, with the exception of one person in the Republican Party speaking out against this? Where are you Cory Gardner? Where is the Governor? Where is Governor-Elect Polis? Where, for that matter, is there anyone saying that this thing not only doesn’t work but destroys lives and cities. I have diligently worked on this.

And in spite of proclamations from Channel 9 and politicians that there is not statistical evidence or studies on Vancouver proving it not to be a positive experience there are numbers of statistical evidence, variables on crime, overdose deaths hospital overloads, heroin addict population increases, meth people walking Vancouver like the TV series The Walking Dead. Why would anyone want to bring that here?

Let me give you a couple of quickies.

Denver claims that 201 people died last year of drug overdoses in Denver. Albus Brooks claims a thousand of our friends and neighbors in all of Colorado died last year of ODs. Vancouver is a smaller city than Denver and now has safe injection sites and a thousand people overdosed in the city of Vancouver alone. Let that sink in. Vancouver is smaller and has safe sites and has 800 more ODs than Denver. Other statistics — Vancouver after safe sites had to hire 90 more police officers into the area around East Hasting Street in Vancouver where safe sites are located. A rookie cop in Denver starts at $57,000 and change. That would cost taxpayers here an additional $5.2 million dollars.

Vancouver had one of the best health care systems in the world. It’s now been overrun with other multiple diseases. Here’s one for the record books. Albus and his minions claim people get off the streets. Last year only 252 people graduated from detox. Remember detox is not rehab. Vancouver claims there were 6,532 different people visiting 263,713 times. 252 people graduated from detox and detox again is not rehab. I know that one well.

Just for the record the Imperial British that run Denver — that’s a reference to the Opium Wars in China — claim that the safe sites will stop addicts from using in public places. Vancouver says there are about 15,000 injections a day in the city while the sites monitor 600 injections a day. I can’t do math and I can’t do marriage but a friend of mine who can says that means 90% of injections take place away from the sites.

People are drawn there, and people die there. When an IV drug user hits the vein, they seem to want to curl up, nod out, feel warm and let the rush come over them. Then a do-gooder in the sites rushes in and administers the antidote Narcan and effectively kills the buzz. And then they rush over and mark “we just saved one more” on the wall. And that’s where these idiots get their numbers of saves. How would they know? Folks, this is just at first blush. When you read statistics on crimes against persons, street assaults, vehicle theft, prostitution, breaking and entering these are skyrocketing statistics since 2007 when Vancouver was foolish enough to let this stupidity loose on its own people.

Please stop this. Don’t let this get any further. I don’t think anyone in Denver media, nor, with one or two exceptions, any damn fool involved in city government has any idea what they’re doing. For the sake of everybody’s children and grandchildren do not let them release these dogs on an otherwise great city.

— Peter Boyles

Santa Peter’s Christmas Gifts

Santa Peter’s Christmas Gifts

I call for my pipe and I call for my bowl — Dan Caplis that’s an inside joke. In the spirit of giving and God bless us all, looking back over the last 12 months of the award-winning Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle columns, I am remiss if I don’t wish most of my targets a Merry Christmas with a gift under their trees.

Beginning with Kyle Clark and Shaun Boyd — Now you can see where this column is headed. Dudes — the numbers bite, you cut a lot of throats this year and both of you act surprised that the only person people dislike more than you two is me.

To the employees of The Denver Post — In the words of Dick Kreck, if they offer you a buy out, take it fast. It won’t be much but it will be a little something so you can buy yourselves a little holiday cheer.

To the Hickenlooper-Hancock Road Home to End Homelessness in Ten Years  — My father would talk about putting one thing in one hand and something in the other and seeing which weighed the most. You can also attempt to shovel that same substance against the tide. You both deserve it put on the tops of your heads. When was the last time anyone drove Speer Boulevard and saw how Denver is ending homelessness.

To John Elway and Joe Ellis — Do you guys know the expression something is much like “Hogan’s goat?” Damn, dudes. Can’t you guys — in the words of Rodney King — just get along?

To the Bowlen family — Talk about why can’t we all get along. I’m sure it will be a really fun Christmas morning at Annabel’s.

To Stan Garnett — Stanley where are you my boy? You were the darling of new left media and now you have vanished like Marley’s ghost. Can they hear your chains rattling through the hallowed halls at Brownstein’s?

To Norm Brownstein — A true Father Christmas to the great state of Colorado. If the Broncos could have only had the year you had. You had more hits than the mafia. Sometimes I think of myself as what if I really am Whitey Bulger? That’s never good.

To Michael Hancock — who is, as I’m sure, all settled down for a long winter’s nap. It just depends who he’s with. Could be about anybody, right Mikey?

How about that John Hickenlooper — President-elect Hickenlooper? Contender Hickenlooper? Senator John Hickenlooper? If you watch the horizon John Boy’s future is so bright — here comes the gift — sunglasses, he’s gotta wear shades.

Jared Polis — or should I say Governor Jared Polis? Your win over Walker Stapleton is the equivalent of stepping on baby chicks — whoops that’s an Easter gift.

The NFL — I love that you decided to have a whole week where you saluted the military. Was that some feeble attempt to bring people back to watching your on-field performances? A special New Year’s wish for that.

And last but not least — Donald Trump. The gift that keeps on giving. How you managed these last two years is absolutely amazing. I never got the pony under the tree and I certainly never got a car. But I got you. You have made these last two years a true enjoyment watching CNN’s rating drop below the Food Channel reruns. Don Lemon is getting clipped by the Cupcake Wars. Damn what a Christmas gift that is.

So looking ahead to 2019, in the words of my sainted grandmother, if you don’t think things are going to get worse, just wait and hang on. Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Happy New Year. Thank you for this last year — it’s been a blast.

— Peter Boyles

Great Upsets

‘The Dirty Little Coward That Shot Mr. Howard And Then He Laid Poor Jesse In His Grave’

Stan Garnett wants you to believe he’s Jesse James. In reality he’s Bob Ford. The Kavanaugh hearings in Washington, D.C., probably reached a depth not even reached by Joe McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings. What the Democratic Party and its operatives and kingpins did to a decent man is really beyond the pale.

When the New Yorker piece drops, written by Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, accusing Brett Kavanaugh of exposing himself to an innocent women who lives in Boulder by the name of Deborah Ramirez at the now legendary Yale dorm party it is the biggest political assassination attempt in the history of the country.

I was long on to the Ramirez story and how she was represented by Stan Garnett, the former fighting Democrat District Attorney of Boulder, Colorado, now heavily ensconced in the epicenter of evil, the Brownstein law firm.

I was struggling to understand how Honorable Stan Garnett was able to weasel his way into the story. I was on my motorcycle three Sundays ago, fundraising for the MC Honor Run. It was colder than a well digger’s rear end, and the light went on. Of course, they know each other.

I started to dig and I discovered that the alleged victim Deborah Ramirez, from the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Non-violence, is listed on the organization’s website as the co-vice chair of the group. Here’s what they say, “Ramirez has worked for Boulder County since February 2013, currently the Senior Coordinator of volunteers for Boulder County’s Department of Housing and Human Services.”

And remember the New Yorker piece quoted Garnett as saying she was “as careful and credible a witness as I’ve encountered in 36 years of practicing law.” Well I wonder how many times Honorable Stan and alleged victim Ramirez met. I couldn’t make it solid but they’ve known each other a minimum of five years. How many brown bag lunches, holiday parties, and backyard fundraisers did they both attend? We know he spoke for her Safehouse on at least one occasion. But remember these people know each other.

Also, the second mouthpiece to jump in when the New Yorker piece drops, Sen. Diane Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee calling that night for immediate postponement of the vote because they needed more investigating. This is coordinated. This is orchestrated.

When you read the New Yorker piece and subsequent “investigative journalism” there are three or four different explanations on how Honorable Stan meets the alleged victim. In some she claims she is being represented by Honorable Stan. But the real macguffin is they spent six days together. The 53-year-old alleged victim described the incident in an interview conducted by the New Yorker. She said that she didn’t remember, because she was drinking, exactly when it happened until she spent six days with Honorable Stan. Where did they meet? How long did they talk? Did Brownstein bill her for lunch? She goes in one end of the pipe not remembering and Stan helped her analyze and present her allegations.

But of course, no one in the Front Range media was willing to speak with him. Battling U.S. Senator Michael Bennet told one story, that his staff contacted Stan Garnett with Ramirez after D.C. officials asked him to help. That’s like me asking Chuck Bonniwell to put me in touch with Julie Hayden. Deborah Ramirez is a social justice warrior much like Dr. Ford. And then after the FBI investigation came here Ms. Ramirez turns up with yet another lawyer. Who? William Pittard, a silk stocking mouthpiece in Washington, D.C., who we’re told wrote a scathing three-page letter to FBI Director Chris Wray. And now he too has vanished, caught a check somewhere and it’s back to Honorable John Clune, who without a doubt has a history of being a close friend of Honorable Stan Garnett.

Now I have watched the Brownstein Law Firm in action for over 30 years. They’re as good as they come, probably better. The river runs through it. Farrow and Mayer knew zero about this story until it was handed to them. Like the far left delivers up media stories to Kyle Clark at 9 News, Shaun Boyd at Channel 4 putting stories on their back porch, ringing the doorbell and running away. I think somebody in the above-mentioned people delivered this story to Ronan Farrow who, by the way, has now vanished. When he popped Harvey Weinstein he was on everywhere from 60 Minutes to TMZ. Now he’s in hiding. A good man’s life was potentially ruined and it will chase him the rest of his life.

The showstopper on all of this, Sen. Ken Buck appeared on the award-winning radio show with me on 710 KNUS. This is a man who wrote a book about the D.C. swamp, the fat alligators lying in the sun and he continued to call all of these people honorable. I like Ken Buck but the chilling response from Buck led me to wonder if Buck is also afraid of the power of the deep state? Do these people control the city and the state even more than I believe? His book is titled Drain the Swamp: How Washington Is Worse Than You Think. I will say this to Mr. Buck and all of you. Drain the swamp. Denver and Colorado are far worse than you think.

To all of the above I do 5 to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday on KNUS. The phone is 303-696-1971. Call me. If you go elsewhere to find a soft place to land, some Kyle Clark, Shaun Boyd interview, as the Irish say we will know you by your limping. Remember when they spoke about the traitors, they asked God to break their knees so the IRA would know them by their limping.

As we said last time with the picture of the two squatting Broncos — you Front Range media people, at last have you no shame?