by Peter Boyles | Sep 24, 2021 | Blasting with Boyles
In the last seven months of the award-winning radio show career, I’ve been called any or all of the following: a drug addict; an alcoholic; a democrat, ouch that one hurt; homosexual, which given my lifetime of dating straight women might be worth a try; and the worst person in talk radio history in Colorado. Can you think of some people who are getting a break on that one?
In the past I have been: the biggest racist in Denver radio, when I began to ask questions about Obama’s life story; a full-blown commie or pro Saddam, when I questioned weapons of mass destruction; destroying the life of a wonderful women i.e., Jon Benet’s mother; and harboring very wealthy men who had sex with women for money in Denver Players and Sugar. So, I’m fairly used to being abused.
But we have now crossed into new territory. This is what historians call new cut road.
I stole the column title from Tom Wolfe. He wrote about the Pump House Gang and Kool-Aid Acid Test.
So today to be a talk show host in Denver, especially working at the station I work at, you have to have the following pedigree. Number one, Donald Trump won and this whole thing has been stolen. Number two, Donald Trump won and this whole thing has been stolen. Number three, Donald Trump won, etc.
And if you don’t qualify, you can’t play. The facts somewhat speak for themselves. The Pump House Gang gathered in Pueblo to begin to destroy themselves one more time.
They overwhelmingly rejected the idea of opting out of the open primary and then voted to sue themselves over something they had already agreed on. Can you find the elephants and giraffes in that picture?
Folks. We must stop the people who want to bring you heroin injection sites, schools without defense, i.e., armed security guards. We have to stop the craziness of the homeless plight, the state being run by developers and bond daddies, banks, and other fat cats.
A line must be held and, believe me when I tell you, you won’t believe the stuff that’s coming down now. The party hacks have to face the Kool-Aid test. Did Donald Trump win or lose. That question will be asked by media, by their opponents in the Democrat party. If they say yes, Donald Trump lost, their throats will be torn out by the werewolves in the GOP. If they say no, their throats will be torn out by the vampires in the Democrats.
Halloween is coming. To the Democrats and the GOP: trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. To rational thinkers everywhere, we’re doomed. But ski season starts soon. Go Broncos.
— Peter Boyles
by Peter Boyles | Aug 27, 2021 | Blasting with Boyles
The best example I can ever give anybody about Joseph Campbell and his mythology of the hero who goes through various adventures, renews himself, and reappears in the end as the hero or the savior is Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. He fulfills the entire narrative of Campbell’s so-called The Hero’s Journey.
In his book, Joseph Campbell’s Hero With A Thousand Faces, he believes there is a principle in mythology whether it’s the life of Jesus, Ulysses, Moses, Muhammad, or King Arthur. We all read the mythology, Campbell called it the mono myth.
What I witness now is the emergence of the new church, the true believers, the people who in the French Revolution always addressed each other as “citizen,” or the Bolsheviks who addressed each other as “comrade.” Now we call one another “patriot.”
Donald Trump has assumed the role of savior and martyr. People like Sidney Powell, the kraken, the unsavory version of Mayor Giuliani, the court jester Lynn Wood, the acting pope Mike Lindell, and the runaway bride Jenna Ellis. They’re the cheerleaders in the mythology part of a religious trust. Mike Lindell has become a spokesperson for the rapture. Those of you who follow that form of Christianity know the day Jesus returns true believers will automatically disappear, cars will be empty, airplanes will fall out of the sky, and radio talk show hosts will disappear.
Now we all remember the rapturist in the 19th century, Reverend Miller in Georgia, who took all of his followers wrapped in sheets up the mountain for the rapture and it didn’t happen so they became Seventh-day Adventists.
Lindell first said the rapture would be August 13, but has now declared the rapture has moved to before New Year’s Eve of 2021. Lindell would make Joseph Campbell proud. The important part of this is the falling of the wayside of all the original members of the church. Giuliani, Powell, and all the rest who have been discredited. Lindell has kept the drive alive. New saints and martyrs appear daily but ultimately Campbell is right. The journey must end. I had the opportunity to meet Campbell prior to his death. His structured stories on what he called the mono myth have been repeated in Christian churches, Jewish temples, Islamic mosques, Samurai legends, Arthurian legends, and people we need to create to keep the drive alive. Campbell knew he stood alone. Let’s play ball.
— Peter Boyles
by Peter Boyles | Jul 23, 2021 | Blasting with Boyles
Twice now in my lifetime, I’ve witnessed the end of senseless, ridiculous, long-term generational wars fought by my country, only to come to senseless, ridiculous conclusions. What’s more frightening about all of this, as we’re writing the column today, is the cry of the hawk. “We have to stop the mullahs from getting a bomb.” “We gotta confront the Chinese and the East China Sea. We have to confront Putin. And arm the Ukraine. For God’s sake we have to defend Taiwan.”
What have these people earned in the cost of the war in Afghanistan, and the end of the insanity of Vietnam? In southeast Asia they can only guess at the body count. The agreed upon cost in 1970 dollars was over a trillion and we continue to pay for the destroyed lives of the young men and women sent into southeast Asia.
Now Afghanistan. The cost of Afghanistan in lives and dollars. The 20-year mission comes to a conclusion as the helicopters are pushed off the decks of aircraft carriers, the American GIs leave Bagram Air Force Base in the middle of the night without telling the Afghans they are leaving. I watched General Scott Miller relinquish his command in Kabul. The data is frightening. No one knows again how many Afghans died and the cost to those peoples’ lives. The agreed upon number depends on who you listen to. Another trillion, and considering the continued death toll in Iraq, the lies of Bush and Cheney.
Remember, Johnson had the Gulf of Tonkin where there’s no evidence to support the American destroyers were fired on that night. Colin Powell and the UN talking about the yellow cake uranium. There’s no evidence of that. Bush and Cheney saying we must attack Afghanistan knowing full well the murderers of 9/11 had long gone into being protected by our gallant allies the Pakistanis.
The cost will continue, the price of the lives of these young men and women, the price of past tombs, Shia and the Sunni. Bush appearing in the media being upset about pulling out of Afghanistan. These people have no shame.
And the same on-airs, and the same elected politicians, the same columnists and the same war mongers now continue to hear the scream of the hawk. Let’s go again. Generations of Americans will have to pay this off.
The Two most important speeches ever given by any American president were: George Washington’s farewell address, warning of foreign entanglements; and Dwight Eisenhower, warning of the military industrial complex. This great danger is to the American forces’ fine young men and women, who will be paying with their lives, future health care disability, and the suicide numbers. 1.6 or 1.8 trillion. Another amount offered up. Those costs will peak. Who wants to go again? I fear these people.
— Peter Boyles
by Peter Boyles | Jun 25, 2021 | Blasting with Boyles
For all of us that were raised in the late ’50s and mid-’60s television era, remember Rocky the Flying Squirrel, also known as Rocky and Bullwinkle? Inside of that show was a cartoon feature, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, who would get in the WayBack machine and they would visit historic events. As a little history geek, I loved that segment even though I knew it was far from the truth. And now as I age, they were more on the money than I knew.
Since we’re into the cancel culture now, social justice warriors, political correctness, and witch hunting, I thought how much fun it would be to get into the way back machine before we had to deal with what we have to deal with today, a bunch of 23-year-old witch hunters demanding to see the manager.
When I got in it, I took with me headlines and issues from 2021 in the United States of America knowing full well this would floor Mr. Peabody and Sherman, so let us begin.
- Singer calls us a broken nation demanding race be codified and redesigning the American flag.
- Illinois city cancels Fourth of July Parade but allows Juneteenth and gay pride celebrations.
- College lecturer says, “I’ve dreamt about unloading a revolver into any white person who gets in my way.”
- New Jersey school district removes the names of all holidays from school calendar.
- Denver teacher’s union was told of allegations against Tay Anderson two years ago and apparently helped fund his campaign.
- Joe Biden confuses Syria for Libya not once but three times in one sentence.
- Faith leaders rally in support of Park Hill safe camping site. Keep an eye on that one wrestling fans.
- Biden administration asks Americans to report potentially radicalized friends and family members.
- A Denver judge says the State of Colorado can force a Christian man to violate his religious beliefs.
- The View has a strange explanation why CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin should not lose his job over a public sex act.
- New Zealand weightlifter becomes first transgender athlete to complete in the Olympic games.
- Transgender BMX rider says if she wins an Olympic medal, she’ll burn the American flag on the podium.
- And last but not least, the majority of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen from the the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.
On a more serious note, can you name the nation, state, a country, or a government that allows the things that are happening to our culture, our language, our literature, and our Constitution that has survived or ended at a good place?
Watch the skies.
— Peter Boyles
by Peter Boyles | May 21, 2021 | Blasting with Boyles
I’d like to begin this award-winning column with this great quote, “Tell me about the rabbits, George.” Remember Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men? Just before Lennie gets it right through the horns. Get a mirror. Aren’t you starting to look a lot like Lennie?
Now back in 2005, now Senator John Hickenlooper (by the way isn’t it interesting how he turns around to the Front Range and says, “I was never here,” and vanishes now that he’s a Senator?), remember Johnny was going to end homelessness within 10 years. I can’t do math and I can’t do marriage but it seems to me Hickenlooper should have ended it in 2015.
Now maybe you would think this is crazy but what do you think would happen if a bunch of DU researchers treated a bunch of people experiencing homelessness like they were white mice in some sort of a maze in a sociology lab at the University of Denver? You would think, hey, that’s inhumane, possibly racist, where’s the social justice in that? Believe it, this is not Enter the Dragon.
Dr. Daniel Brisson and part of the Denver Basic Income Project want to start giving crackheads, street alcoholics, and the mentally ill, and, depending on who you are, up to $1,000 month. Or if the mouse can find the cheese $40 a day. Or one group gets $1,000. Another will get a lump sum of $6,500, and then $500 a month for the following 11 months. This is some kind of super stupid.
Years and years ago when I first gained my sobriety we were doing a radio show in downtown Denver. I was working at Brand X and came across a guy who had actually worked in the radio business and was a good DJ, but the disease of alcoholism had taken him to the skids. I took two $20s out of my wallet and was handing it to him when a big hand grabbed my wrist, and I heard, “What are you trying to do, kill him?” and that’s how I met the legendary Bob Coté. Coté explained the man would go outside and either overdose on drugs because of that amount of money, drink himself into a blackout, or simply get robbed.
Do these fools have any idea what they’re doing? Coté called it killing them with kindness. He also said they are committing suicide on the installment plan. Now Regis University will host a safe camping site. One of the more brilliant sociologists, Diana DeGette, wants to buy a hotel for two million dollars for the homeless, the Travel Lodge on East 38th Avenue. It will cost $7.8 million overall and the City is hopeful that DeGette’s request comes through.
Another advocate, of course, is outgoing Mayor Michael Hancock. He’s also supportive of another shelter project at 1603 S. Acoma Street, and between he and DeGette they’re going to offer a safety net for those who need to sleep in a safe place. Are you kidding me? All of that money, any money given them, will be money used to get high.
Number two, l read about what happened in Philadelphia, when they tried to give people houses to live in. First, everyone stole the microwave ovens, then the copper out of the walls and then stole the toilets and bathtubs. Mark Donovan is the founder of the Denver Basic Income Project. He’s proclaimed this giveaway is the first study of its kind in the United States researching the effects of giving cash directly to people experiencing homelessness. Mark, my boy, I can save you a lot of money, probably a couple hundred lives, if you and those brilliant researchers from DU just walk away.
P.S. Michael Hancock supports the project. Tell me about the rabbits.
— Peter Boyles