Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

Blasting With Boyles


Are we becoming not Jonestown but Johnstown? Most people remember the sadness of Jim Jones in Guyana, force feeding Kool Aid. It was the sad people who moved with him from San Francisco, and later, of course, gunshots rang out. Someone shoots Jim Jones.

You can almost hear those same gunshots every


night on the 16th Street Mall. Our city is in decline. And you would have to be a fool not to recognize it.

So, when the well-known substance rolls downhill, it always rolls down on you. Here’s a headline that we never see with Kyle Clark’s Channel 9 News. Denver has been ranked among the worst run cities in the United States by a WalletHub study. Interestingly enough for those of you keeping score at home, San Francisco won the award of being the worst run city in America. Guess who we’re closing in on?

The Mile High City is in the bottom 10 and San Francisco is ranked last.

We’ve always quoted Barry McGuire’s classic song The Eve of Destruction. As Barry tells you, “Look around you boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy.”

The quality of city services has been cut. The Mayor, remember he promised he was going to put an end to homelessness in four years. One of the great laws of economics is if you want more of something subsidize it. Jim Jones “Junior” has cut large chunks out of all department budgets due to the influx of the people he likes to call newcomers. And actually visualized housewives standing in the middle of Broadway like the brave Chinese man in Tiananmen Square to stop illegal immigrants being removed from the city.

Immigration spending by the city was expected to reach $90 million by the end of the year. As it turns out, the city is on track to spend $155 million up to and including December of 2024 — $65 million more than Johnston previously said it would cost.

What does the future look like? US News and World Report said it looks at the data on America’s 150 most populous metro areas that includes cost of living, job markets, crime rates, public education, and much more. The rankings that US News and World Report used were from census, the FBI, and Department of Labor. The best place to live is Green Bay, Wisconsin. Denver ranked high in the survey in a quite different category. Denver is listed as the 15th most dangerous place to live in our country, 16th most expensive place to live. Since 2020 when Denver was number 2 overall in the list of best places to live, we have dropped to 55th.

These are all trends heading in the wrong direction.

The Denver Gazette reported that three years ago Boulder and Denver took the number one and two spots. Boulder is now number four, Colorado Springs is number 9. Fort Collins is number 23. And Denver has tumbled close to the bottom.

So as Lenin asks, what is to be done? The impossible needs to be done. The Democrats and Republicans alike must look at our city and fear what the next five, 10, or 20 years will bring. We all have children and grandchildren, what are we leaving them?

We’re not going to get better with people like this Mayor, and members of the City Council who voted for heroin injection sites.

Honestly folks the future of Denver, Colorado, is bleak. When is the last time you went downtown? Took your kids to see Christmas lights? Or better yet, got yourself a concealed permit. This isn’t funny. The future is not bright, and we have to pull together and keep the lunatics away from elected office.

Mark my words, there will come a time…

— Peter Boyles

Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

God Told Abraham — Kill Me A Son

Abe Said, Where Do You Want The Killing Done?

God Said, Out On Highway 61

Blasting With Boyles

One of the more troubling stories in the Bible is in Genesis Chapter 22 where God tells Abraham, “take your only son, whom you love, and offer him there as a burnt offering.” Islamic scholars point that Abraham had, in fact, two sons. One with Hagar the maid, who his wife Sarah had Abraham impregnate when she thought she was barren. With God’s intervention Sarah, at age 78, gave birth to Issac 17 years later. Biblically Ishmael is the progenitor of all Arabs and Isaac is the forefather of all Jews. Muslims and Jews/Christians have debated over the many centuries who God asked to be sacrificed, Ishmael or Issac.

We are not sure whether God ­directly talks to President Joe Biden as he did Abraham, but recently President Biden announced that he was pardoning his second son Hunter from being sacrificed on the altar of American Justice.

The real question for those of us who are fathers is whether you would pardon your son from being a burnt offering on some altar? I know I would. The real problem for me and many others is that President Biden told all the gathered tribes that he would never pardon Hunter (Isaac/Ishmael). Not only that, but once he had gotten the hang of this whole pardon thing down, he threatened to pardon virtually everyone in his Administration, and who knows perhaps even every descendant of the original seven tribes.

But if Joe Biden’s actions seem to parallel those of Abraham, are there other present American political figures with parallels to biblical figures? Is Donald Trump akin to David, and is he creating a great MAGA kingdom that will never be exceeded in the history of this country?

What about Elon Musk being a Joshua-like figure, causing the trumpets to ring out that cause the almost impenetrable walls of the Administrative State of Jerico to fall down, allowing the MAGAites to burst through killing every man, woman, and child bureaucrat with God’s blessing?

You can come up with your parallel figures between today and biblical times but, my advice to all of you is, watch out for toads falling from the sky, water that turns into blood, and the death of all first born.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

— Peter Boyles

Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

The First 100 Days

Blasting With Boyles


What we have just come through is the most unpredictable/predictable election perhaps in my lifetime. Donald Trump triumphs over almost everyone. Who was right? Very few people had it. For the first time in my life I anchored to, modestly he says, great success election night coverage. We had made plans to have hotel rooms, caterers, but at 11:28 Tuesday night I wrote it down to mark it, Pennsylvania was called for Donald Trump. At that moment I said I should throw water on the fires, call in the dogs, we’re going home. Trump had won.

But, and I cannot do math, and I cannot do marriage. I looked at numbers, and I have questions without answers. In the 2020 election, nationwide Trump received 74,223,975 votes, and he lost. Now in 2024, Donald Trump received 74,668,551 votes. It’s not a large difference. The real key it seems to me in the outcome of the election is the number of Democrats and anti-Trumpers that simply stayed away from Vice President Harris.

Donald Trump in the first go around received 232 electoral college votes. This time 312.

For all of us here in Colorado, interestingly enough, Trump received even less votes.

It is an unheard of victory in so far as Donald Trump the man, but what I believe it speaks volumes to is a rejection of having: little boys simply proclaim they are girls and beating up our daughters on the athletic fields; ripping down monuments to historical figures; changing the names of military installations; changing the names of mountain tops, rivers, and streets; public education that seems to be an absolute failure; a border that’s like a sieve; and a crime rate that skyrockets.

The Biden administration has gotten the United States into a surrogate war against Putin, a Middle East that end of the Trump last term was relative calm is not now, it cost me $20 to fill up a tank on a Harley Davidson, the inflation in the supermarkets, the cost of food, and a general malaise that came over this country.

They did not show up for Harris. Those were greater factors than Donald Trump being considered crazy.

The question now is what will the first 100 days bring? I don’t believe the press is going to leave Trump alone, but if you go back and look at Reagan and Kennedy, the idea was the press was going to give them a honeymoon period. But Trump is not going to get this.

I think the single biggest casualty in the outcome of this presidential race is clearly corporate media. If you think no one cared about what the national media had to say before, did you see the looks on their faces on Tuesday night? Especially when the call came in that Trump had won. It’s also, I think, significant this was not a COVID election, and both Pennsylvania and Georgia had new legislation, which when the counting began, it could not stop, which cleans up those accusations.

The victor is clearly Donald Trump.

A hundred days will mark what’s coming our way. The man made a lot of promises. Now he has the House and the Senate, there’s no roadblocks. The future of the next four years of this country will be determiend by the first hundred days, and it is a make or break. If all the things that Trump promised will happen or partially happen, we head for a better time.

If, on the other hand, the people that predict he is getting crazier by the day are correct, it could turn out to be the wildest time since Richard Nixon and Watergate. For Joe Biden, who I believe holds as much responsibility for Trump’s win as Trump himself, the questions will be asked by historians for generations. What was really the matter with the Democrat party, Joe and Dr. Jill Biden, and why they suddenly appointed Vice President Harris to stick her out there and feed her to the dogs. Let’s see what happens folks.

Happy holidays!

— Peter Boyles

Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

Am I The Only One Who Hates Christmas?


Here at the Daily Planet, we publish and print our November issue at the end of October. Even as the soothsayer that I am, I don’t think that anybody can really write about winners and losers in our national elections until, of course, next month. Hopefully. So, consider this the column for the holiday season.

So, you ask what is the holiday season? I hate to break it to you readers but not everyone associates the Christmas holidays with joy and fun. Maybe you remember things you’d rather forget. I believe this is almost like the day I stood up and admitted I had no power over alcohol, some 16-year-old kid telling mom and dad he’s gay, and me proclaiming I hate Christmas. More and more as I grow older.

When I was a little fella I believed in Santa Claus and hope springs eternal. As I’ve said before I was sure that pony was going to be under the tree and, of course, it never was. And then my sister ratted out the whole rotten deceiving thing, I really wasn’t getting squat and at that point it was coming to an end. I think I was 8. Now this gift giving thing, why does it take November and December to make us or inspire us to treat one another with care? The commercial holiday of Christmas really shines alone. The amount of money that gets spent on the most wonderful time of the year, from decking the halls to something I warned everyone about, office parties that now no longer exist, when your boss hands you a drink ticket.

So, beginning right before Halloween the holiday triggers are pulled. Safeguard yourself from all the sadness. And remembering we had a better chance of finding some peace as the Germans and the English coming out of the trenches Christmas Eve of 1914, and standing in no man’s land singing carols and exchanging gifts. I think that night might have been the last true Christmas.

Let’s all go out and fight over parking spots, not really getting that last sale item, pushing past millions of people in aisle 3 where nerves are a lot more frazzled, and think of the German soldier Fritz and Tommy embracing in no man’s land in Belgium.

Merry Christmas.

— Peter Boyles

P.S., We’ll be back next month with a scathing article on the fools who vote in the state of Colorado and the United States of America

Denver’s Cheerleader In Chief — Your Mayor

Excercising Your Franchise

Blasting with Boyles


By the time you read this you may have already voted by mail-in or you’re waiting for that November magic day to go exercise your franchise. To whom to do we owe this privilege that indeed men have given their lives for, for your right to vote?

Democracy, and we are a republic not a democracy, but democracy means rule by the people. It was a phrase that the Greeks of Athens used to describe their self-rule.

Some Romans carried on part of those policies and also in Venice, in the time of the doges. And after that voting was snuff­ed out by the powers that be. When this country broke from Britain in 1776, voting rights were based on property ownership, and white men over the age of 21 of the Protestant religion.

In 1830, our country dropped religion and property ownership as stipulations to vote. The first presidential election in 1789, states were given the power to regulate their own voting laws, and in some states Catholics, Jews, and Quakers were barred from voting.

We all know the struggle of women’s suffrage. And the Supreme Court once ruled that Native Americans were not citizens so they couldn’t vote either.

Filipinos were barred as late as 1925, unless they served three years in the Navy. Richard Nixon lowered the voting age to 18 in the 26th Amendment and now here we are.

Which brings me to my first experience voting. It was Lyndon Johnson versus Barry Goldwater in 1964, and at the time I was working in a steel mill and on election day, walking to punch your timecard, in what was the time shack, was my union representative. To man after man, he would snap a sheet of paper and hand it to you and say this is who your union endorses. Of course it was from Johnson to dog catcher, they were Democrats.

I, until recently, believed Republicans had tails, and now this day and age, I’m not sure they don’t. But I went with my dad, walked past all the poll watchers, and the union reps wearing what we used to call sandwich boards with Lyndon Johnson’s name on them. The bars were closed because if you can buy an Irishman drinks you can buy an Irishman’s vote.

So now we come to today.

As I said at the opening, men and women have given their lives for the right that you have beginning in the middle of October through voting day in November.

Now we come to this crossroads. What did we learn by a study of the world’s oldest democracy, but that the right to make this choice can easily be taken away.

But if you look at the complex system that we see in America today, developed in Greece and Rome, there is so much on the line. We have now dropped religion and property ownership, and everyone over the age of 18 that is a true citizen now will have the ability to change the course of this country.

Next month we will know.

— Peter Boyles

Blow To Another Iconic American Company

Blow To Another Iconic American Company


Peter Fonda — “Easy Rider”

The very first time I ever rode a motorcycle was when some kid brought one into the neighborhood that everyone said was stolen. It was a Harley-Davidson; I think they called them hummers; they were small little bikes. I rode it for the first time and my whole life changed.

I’ve been in love with motorcycles since I was in the first part of my teens. I have a running gag there are only two kinds of motorcyclists in the world. People admit they own a Honda, and people that lie about it. Then came me and Harley-Davidson.

Ask yourself, can you name another corporate logo that people get tattooed on their body. You ever seen anyone with Kleenex or Chevrolet tattooed on their body? I know dozens of people that have the bar and shield of Harley-Davidson tattooed on their body. That’s product loyalty. Harley-Davidson is iconic, it’s a way of life. It’s part of the strength of our country.

Last year was the 83rd Sturgis, and along with a number of my outlaw friends, we were there. And, of course, that was the great boycott of Bud Light. Bud Light as you probably know went woke. It was a Bud Light promo­tion conducted with an actress and Tik Tok personality, a transgender woman. Allegedly the desire was to address Bud Light’s decline and attract younger audiences. Well, shazam, not only did they not attract, they lost. I remember being on the street in Sturgis in the summer of 2023 and the Bud Light long booth bar was empty. I’ve read reports that the product is now down 10% and hasn’t been able to make a comeback. That happened in Sturgis. Knowing that no one learns anything from anything, now Harley-Davidson has gone woke.

The company’s CEO Jochen Zeitz, from Germany and former head of Puma, who took over as CEO in May of 2020, spoke about the great product of Harley-Davidson. At a speech at Zermatt Summit in Switzerland and referring to himself he said, “So I became the Taliban in a substantial way. I decided to share and create a ­sustainability committee I’m chairing today to change long time Harley-Davidson policies.”

Now for the uninformed, the Taliban is a condemned terrorist group that runs Afghanistan. It killed 3,000 Americans in 9/11 and injured 6,000 more, and another 2,500 U.S. service members were killed going after the Taliban in Afghanistan. In the words of my father, what the hell are you thinking?

The Taliban. How do you compare Harley-Davidson to an international terrorist organization, and believing that your principal demographic is male, veteran, pro Trump Re­pub­licans are going to jump with glee, oh boy.

The motorcycle is a huge part of my life and lifestyle, the heart and soul of the machine I love so much, that’s been so much a part of my life. Does it now rest in the caves of Tora Bora?

What did they not understand about going woke and watching Bud Light?

The CEO supports hard line policies on trans care for kids, critical race theory, diversity equity, and inclusion efforts on all levels of the company. Employees are fearful they’re going to lose their jobs after production has been moved to Thailand. There’s a revolt inside of the more than 200 Harley-Davidson dealers to oust the current CEO.

When news breaks out, we break in…. it’s just been announced that Harley-Davidson sees the light. Attempting to avoid a boycott which has its traditions in the Irish land wars where the British hired a rent collector named Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott. The Irish would “boycott” him and not pay their rents. That’s where the term comes from.

Boycotting worked for Cesar Chavez and the grapes, Anheuser Busch was not smart enough to figure out what a boycott was about, but Harley-Davidson to its credit understood the power of its own consumers and quickly withdrew its wokeness. In my reading similar things have happened to John Deere and Tractor Supply. They both went woke then pulled back. Does anyone want to guess when public education and the media will follow suit?

You can see how boycott is working. Fewer people watch mainstream news. More people are putting their kids in private schools or home schools. This is ­boycotting; Harley-Davidson woke up and smelled the coffee and got the hell out of politically correct Dodge.

There’s a whole lot of Harley-Davidson riders breathing a sigh of relief and patting themselves on the back with pride. The boycott that never got off the ground worked.

Live to ride, ride to live.

— Peter Boyles