Sex, Lies And Videotape

Sex, Lies And Videotape

December 2016 I wrote here in the Chronicle a column titled “Brandon Marshall Stands Up, Brownstein-Farber Takes A Knee.” I talked about the overwhelming amount of lies Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall told about what happened to him in Miami a year ago last summer. How, if memory serves me well, five cops jumped him, a Taser placed on his chest, the handcuffs put on him, placed in the back of a police car, driven somewhere, brought back where he was finally told, “If you don’t say anything we won’t say anything.” And that dear reader was the reason why Brandon Marshall says he took a knee.

The Denver Post is celebrating 125 years of being in the newspaper business. I think it’s more like 115 because they’ve been mailing this baby in for the last 10.

A couple of weekends ago The Denver Post, as hard as it to imagine, literally outdid itself in attempting to scam the Mile High City. Nicki Jhabvala known on our 710 KNUS radio as Nicki “Jambalaya” did a piece along with other hard-hitting Denver media representatives, with above said Brandon Marshall as he explained why he continues to do the clenched fist and other versions of taking a knee. Only this time the Miami fight with the law never comes up. Fascinated? Not one of those hard-hitting media members dared ask Brandon, “Hey man, the last time you talked to us you told us the cops did stuff to you in Florida. Why has that reason disappeared?” Are they just afraid? Misinformed? Hells bells, Nicki did the original story a year ago about the adventures of Brandon Marshall in Florida. I guess like some New York mobster on trial these gatekeepers of the truth have conveniently forgotten.

But The Denver Post gets worse. In their lead editorial October 13 of this year written by the entire Denver Post Editorial Board they go after Denver Police Corporal Zachery Phillips. Now here is the first sentence of that editorial and I quote… “Something is wrong when investigators can determine it is more likely than not that a Denver police officer paid a known prostitute for sex and lied about it and the officer keeps his job…”

Now substitute “Denver Mayor Michael Hancock.” If you all recall when Councilman/Mayor-Elect Hancock was visiting the working girls at Denver Players and Sugar, we had the call sheets. Some of the soiled doves ID’d his photo and The Denver Post and the Brownstein law firm offered him total protection.

Now they’re upset that Corporal Phillip paid for sex. Damn.

My next example of a great 115 years is George Lopez, booed off the stage after Trump jokes flop at a recent Denver gala. Now you would think that’s a huge deal, telling wealthy donors that they have white privilege and his opinion of old white men. Classy. But other than reading it in the New York papers it appeared six paragraphs in in the Post society column by Joanne Davidson.

Now flip it. George Lopez attacks Trump and gets a standing ovation. Sports fans that’s front page.

So why do you think nobody in the Denver media covered George Lopez? And as he has done many times Ed Greene Channel 4 Weatherman and KOA Radio anchor comes in for the save. I wonder if George cashed the check?

So there we have it folks. What do these three things have in common? Brandon Marshall, George Lopez and The Denver Post Editorial Board? Sex, lies and videotape. Or is there any way Norm and Steve can sleaze a dollar out of this deal?

Sex, Lies And Videotape

A Tale Of Two Cities And The Blood Of Those Cities

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of foolishness, it was the age of wisdom . . . . Where have you intellectuals read that before?

Before I talk about why the North Koreans are leery of the United States I’d like to tip my hat to Harvey Steinberg and Annabel Bowlen, what a great job you two. Harvey found a loophole, a screw up by Arapahoe County on John boy’s crime spree. Harvey drove the Mercedes through it. You sure showed them but remember this dear reader, we are all gonna see John Bowlen again. There are only three places guys like me and John Bowlen end up, an institution — prison or hospital, a morgue slab or sober. Annabel make a choice for your son.

Next and far more importantly North Korea, Donald Trump and George Bush. Sweeping.

Believe me when I tell you that you are being sold a war by Donald Trump, mainstream media intellectuals, lightweight radio talk show hosts, ridiculous elected officials and the collective pinheads who pass off as opinion makers in our country.

Let me take you back in time. George Bush’s doctrine expression was the “axis of evil.” It was used by George Bush in his 2002 State of Union speech and whole- heartedly adopted by the “Dark Lord” Vice

President Dick Cheney. And who, you may ask, were those three nations who comprised the “axis of evil?” That’s right. Iran, Iraq and North Korea. George insisted the existence of these regimes was life threatening to the U.S. Rulers in Pyongyang, Tehran, and Baghdad were put on notice. Bush and Cheney lie and invade Iraq, leaving total destruction, over a million people dead and, as we speak, absolutely no outcome.

Now if you’re North Korea or the mullahs, they now know that Bush is willing to invade based on lies. Ask yourself this: In your neighborhood there’s a guy four doors down who says he’s going to destroy you, your neighbor up the street and the guy at the end of the block. Sure as hell your neighbor gets it. What do you do

next? You gun up. You put everybody on alert. You can trace back the mullahs and the No-Kos beginnings for questing a nuclear deterrent because of George Bush telling them they’re on the list.

I’ve been reading a lot about what life is like in North Korea.

Imagine American child labor before the turn of the 20th century; a child is considered literate when he can spell Kim’s name. There are no windows in houses. People have eaten bark on trees. Underwear and medicines are impossible to find. Elevators don’t work. Toilets don’t flush without buckets. Stores use candles for lighting.

Who are you going to kill and why? These people struggle to feed themselves once or twice a day. Monsters are created, rarely born. And you want to know something really rotten? How many people have the North Koreans killed testing weapons and shooting rockets? I hate to say this but to the best of my knowledge the answer is zero. How many people have died since George Bush launched his invasions? It is over a million. What will be the cost of this newest escapade? How many more young American lives will be destroyed? Please, before we begin another war, stop and think. The only way to win this is not to play.

Put the gun down and back away from Kim. He then will have no enemies that he can use to escalate and further manipulate his own people. For once just put the sword back in the scabbard, walk off the field and go home to your families.

P.S.: Take John Bowlen with you.


Sex, Lies And Videotape

An Open Letter To Annabel Bowlen

Dear Annabel,

If I may be presumptuous —

Like most of the Front Range we’re currently watching your son John pull a series of minor and major league criminal activities predicated on his abundant use of alcohol and controlled substances.

When I read The Denver Broncos websites, you people are great champions of raising funds to fight women’s breast cancer, feeding hungry children and with the help of guys like Brandon Marshall, defeat police violence.

But it is my duty as a recovering addict and alcoholic (32 years on last Easter Sunday), so I’m going to do something that most people in recovery say is a big “no no”; I’m going to take your son’s inventory. According to a lot of the unwritten rules in sobriety taking another man’s inventory means to judge him, so here goes.

Absolutely every single thing that I have learned about treating alcoholics and addicts, you and your family have done the complete opposite.

How much money that could have gone to fight breast cancer, police violence and hunger have you paid our friend Harvey Steinberg? I believe Harvey’s ordered a second Mercedes.

Do you have the slightest notion of what “enable” means?

You have enabled the “blood of the city” to time and time again do the wrong thing.

When he told the Glendale cops he’s the owner of the Denver Broncos,  and (I don’t know what this will get you) a friend of the mayor — you have the wrong town’s mayor. If he meant Hancock, did they go to Players and Sugars? But I repeat myself. You’re putting on a seminar of how not to act as caring parents.

The late Bob Coté, founder of Step 13 had a motto. It went like this, “You want to help them? Don’t help them.”

You have bailed John Boy out of legal troubles for apparently more than a decade. According to court records he was charged with drug paraphernalia in Arapahoe County — charges dismissed, thank you Harvey.

Next, driving drunk in Boulder, the wrong way on a one-way street. Again, reduced to impaired. Do we tip the hat to Harvey again?

Finally, the 9-1-1 call from the girlfriend where apparently John had shoved her against the wall. What a funster. Also telling 9-1-1 nothing is wrong.

And now pulling an O.J. in a high-speed chase in San Luis Obispo County. And again, telling the highway patrolman he was trying to talk his dad out of selling the team. Kind of makes you proud doesn’t it.

Well apparently John has given himself up in Glendale. And again been bailed out.

As I write this I don’t know the outcome of it all, but I can almost guarantee to you and all the readers it will get worse.

Please take your son to Step 13 sober. Knock on the door, when they answer push him inside. Say I’ll see you in a year. If not it’s just a question of time. He’ll turn up again. On a serious note, remember this —  alcohol and drug addictions are degenerative. They’re worse tomorrow than they are today.

I leave tomorrow for Sturgis on the Haj, but I’d be willing to bet lunch, since you got your darling son out of Glendale he’s at least had a couple of drunks. Good luck. I’m easy to find. When you’re sick of paying Harvey, give me a call.

— Peter Boyles

Sex, Lies And Videotape

Approaching 9/11

NEXT MONTH will mark 16 years since the Pearl Harbor event of our lifetime — the attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the aborted flight that crashed in central Pennsylvania,

What has happened in the aftermath? Since that terrible day, the United States, under three presidents, has found itself locked in war in the Middle East with the saber rattlers now looking at Iran and North Korea.

After the Japanese and Germans surrendered in 1945 and the beginnings of the Cold War, we have been a nation at war. Ask yourself these questions. What have we gotten for it? What’s been spent? What’s been lost?

I used to believe it was the politics of war in the Middle East. We know from reading history British soldiers arrived in southern Iraq to protect the oil from Persia. At that time the United States had no interest in the Middle East or for that matter any imperial designs in that part of the world. We were still dealing with Latin America and banana republics.

We have talked about it many times on my award-winning radio show and here in the column about what the British and French did to the Middle East after the First World War. American soldiers died in Iran during the Second World War. It’s hard to tell young people today but we were helping the Soviet Union and protecting Iranian oil. After that it seems to me we just stayed. Truman accepted the British Mandate for Palestine and it is game on.

Since that terrible day in September, the U.S. has been in involved in five wars in the Middle East. Let’s see if there’s a scorecard.

Afghanistan. I remember people telling me the U.S. was gong to bomb the Afghans into the Stone Age. How is that possible? They’re already there.

The United States has spent a trillion American dollars and thousands of young American lives and what have we got?

It gets worse.

Iraq. Hard to believe but a bigger disaster. George Bush is the worst American president, certainly in my lifetime and, could be argued would catch the blue ribbon with Woodrow Wilson. Is there any question Iraq is worse off than it was in 2003? The death toll will never be known. The cost incalculable and growing.

Libya. We got rid of Muammar Gaddafi in order to create a companion country for Somalia. And, of course how about Yemen? Those Houthi rebels are backed by Iran and Al-Qaeda. How can you not benefit from that?

I know all of you libs want to blame George Bush. You got my vote. He started two wars with no plan, in fact with lies.

Obama, if you’re a conservative, started or continued smaller scale wars. The result is the same.

Tell me, from watching military action and expenditures, have things gotten better or worse in the Middle East in the past 16 years?

Does anyone believe that even more war will create a lasting peace?

In this time period between FDR putting American soldiers in Iran and up to today, with Donald Trump selling billions of dollars of weapons to the Saudi Arabians (see past columns on my love for the Saudis), the Taiwanese, Obama’s Iranian arms deal, is there any case for us to be involved?

The United States should leave the Middle East as we speak.

If you read the history of Ireland you know that terrorism is a consequence of imperial rule and wars. Locals are unable to defeat the imperials so they impart high cost thru terror. Whether it’s Jewish settlers against British, Serbs against the Austro Hungarians, Vietnamese against the French or the crazies on 9/11 — As Peter, Paul and Mary once sang, “When will they ever learn?” When will we ever learn?

Out now.

— Peter Boyles

Sex, Lies And Videotape

Terry Frei Died For Your Sins

I recently returned from one of the greatest trips I’ve been lucky enough to take. I was in Europe and on Normandy Beach on June 6, the anniversary of the Allies coming ashore.

The day that I left, The Denver Post announced that it had terminated a good friend of mine, Terry Frei. He was a sports columnist who had been named Colorado Sportswriter of the Year four times, and now was out of work for tweeting that it made him “uncomfortable” that Takuma Sato, a Japanese driver had won the Indy 500 on Memorial Day. Terry told me his tweet came after visiting Fort Logan to put flowers on the grave of his father Jerry Frei. His father had spent four years between his sophomore and junior years at Wisconsin flying P38 fighter planes in the South Pacific. He flew 67 missions, 300 combat hours. In fact, Terry’s book Third Down And A War To Go is a great read about men and women in the Second World War.

On June 6, I was at Pegasus Bridge, a very important site on the way to the key village of Sainte Mere Eglise. There had been a mandate from the British military to hold that bridge on the morning of the D-Day landings. We arrived in a very beautiful and comfortable Mercedes Benz bus. I was standing there watching parades and speaking with old British veterans who had been there on that terrible day, including the man pictured here, a 94-year-old British Pathfinder. And then I noticed a very expensive Porsche, its turbo whining, crossing the bridge. Lots of tourists gather on those days. And I thought of Terry. I knew he had been fired as we left the United States.

Now, how about a show of hands in our reading audience. How many people know about Ferdinand Porsche? Beloved Porsche cars, Volkswagens, of course, the people’s car. But how many of you know about Tiger I and Tiger II tanks? And, of course, the Royal Tiger tank? The Panzer VIII Maus and you all remember the V-1 flying bomb. Freddie was a member of the Nazi Party and also the SS. How quickly we’re allowed to forget that and condemn Terry Frei. I should remind you that the Porsche family didn’t have any problem employing “slave labor.” After it was over, he did a couple of years in prison but what the hey. Forgive and forget is what I always say. But not when it comes to Terry?

So there I was on Pegasus Bridge arriving in a Mercedes watching a Porsche cross and having exactly the same thoughts Terry Frei had. At this point do you think Chuck Bonniwell should fire me or better yet throw the switch on the award-winning morning show on KNUS? Just so you know, Dr. Porsche was arrested, did 22 months and went back to making money in 1950 when he introduced the Porsche sports car. That apparently was lost on The Denver Post who has no problem taking ads for Mercedes cars and trucks.

If we’re going back in history to attempt to control the future watch your step. Fake history is more dangerous that fake news. This month’s “Running Dog” award goes to The Denver Post columnist Diane Carman. She said Colorado should remove its monuments to genocide. Fascinating. She names second Territorial Governor John Evans who founded the University of Denver, William Byers, founder of the Rocky Mountain News, Kit Carson, George Custer and Sir George Gore. Oh aghast! Oh the humanity! Again she keeps her job at the Post and Terry is gone. Diane, what you should do, as well as the other managers at The Denver Post, is give everything you ever earned, back. Are you really any different than those cavalry soldiers and militiamen who did those terrible things? You’re just living off what they did — you, Mac Tully, the entire bunch. Give everything you have in Colorado back to the tribes. Because you made Terry Frei give his back.

Those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it. Except at The Denver Post.

And by the way, after over 30 years of working at The Denver Post he woke up one morning to find out a racist had been writing columns at The Denver Post and he had to go. And The Denver Post allowed Terry to dangle in the wind and be destroyed by other newspapers and media outlets across the country. Horrible things were said about one of the nicest guys I know.

I’d like to add one thing. We’ve written columns about Brandon Marshall and the lies he told about what the police allegedly did to him in Florida. A month or two ago Terry was in my radio show studio and I brought up Marshall. He asked me off air not to continue that line of questioning. So here’s the conclusion. Terry gave to the Post what it would not give to him. Loyalty, trust and the benefit of the doubt.

Think about it.

— Peter Boyles

Sex, Lies And Videotape

As I Was Saying . . . The Beat Goes On

The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle and the morning shows on 710 KNUS seem to be the only two media outlets where the truth can be told about the corrupt Bush administration and the offices of the Governor of Colorado, the Mayor of Colorado Springs and now seemingly a lot of current Republican and Democrat office holders who supported John Suthers to be head of the FBI.

In spite of enormous outcry from a number of political hacks, we will continue writing about the corruption the Saudi Arabians have visited on the state of Colorado, media outlets, major law firms and influence peddlers. (See the Miller Hudson Letter in this month’s “We Get Letters…”)

Once more let me take you back in time. John Suthers was the Attorney General for the State of Colorado when Republican then-Governor and Bush supporter Bill Owens sent him to Saudi Arabia. That was in 2006. There he visited King Abdullah, Crown Prince Sultan and the Homaidan Al Turki family (terrorist sex criminal) in an attempt to clear up misconceptions about the U.S. criminal system and ease their minds on whether their boy had been treated fairly. An Arapahoe County jury convicted Al-Turki after he was accused of keeping a foreign woman as a sex slave in his basement. John Suthers went there, we now know, in spite of Bill Owens’ phone call to me claiming he sent Suthers on his own… that it was actually at the request of the U.S. Ambassador in Saudi Arabia who apparently had the State Department contact Governor Owens.

To the best of my knowledge, in spite of Suthers saying Abdullah wanted to pay for the trip, American taxpayers sponsored and paid for that trip through the United States State Department.

It’s been years since that occurred. But powerful emotions in Saudi Arabia remain. (See picture above from Saudi Arabia demanding Al Turki’s release — this continues to be an extremely hot button issue in the Saudi world.)

I found on March 26, 2009, Bush appointee Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, urged Americans to review the topic. According to a public statement Skeletor said “The Saudi people sympathize with Homaidan Al Turki and they closely follow this case.” It appears again that everybody in the Republican Party seems to go in the tank with these people.

So as I was saying, in doing research the Saudi Ambassador at the time was Robert W. Jordan. What makes Ambassador Jordan interesting is he appears to be like the other operatives in this case. I believe he made the request to the State Department and on to Bill Owens. You would want to know who Jordan is.

In the words of Gomer Pyle, “Surprise, Surprise!” He’s a lawyer in the law firm of Jim Baker who was George H.W. Bush’s Chief of Staff. Baker brought in Jordan, and dig this: In the early 1990s Jordan represented George W. Bush in an investigation by the SEC into possible inside trading and Timmy Smothers’ sale of stock in Harken Energy. In 2001 Bush becomes president, and he sends Jordan  to Saudi Arabia as the U.S. Ambassador.

Does anything shock you people anymore?

Now here comes the fun stuff. Guess who gets propped up to replace Comey-dog, the fired head of the FBI? That’s right. Headline in The Denver Post reads “Colorado’s John Suthers makes Donald Trump’s list of possible James Comey replacements.” According to The Denver Post (soon moving to Adams County) apparently Suthers was on a list of 11 names to replace Comey — damn.

What’s even more laughable is the support he has received. According to Channel 7 News and The Denver Post it was Sen. Cory Gardner who made the recommendation to the White House. Cory, Cory, Cory. What part of this don’t you understand? Whoops? Maybe you totally do.

But all I can tell you according to Colorado politics, Suthers also received endorsements from former governor Owens, and Hickenlooper and current AG Cynthia Coffman. Moreover, Phil Anschutz’s newspaper the Colorado Springs Gazette wrote an editorial titled “John Suthers would be a good choice for the FBI.” They lead it with “it’s simultaneously exciting and troubling to learn about Colorado Springs Mayor on Donald Trump’s short list to replace James Comey who was fired by the FBI.” What??

I don’t know about you guys but in our last column, Norm of Arabia Part One, we had over 5,000 views and nasty letters and even phone calls from people in the Democratic Party.

I’m a huge believer in the saying of Freddie Nietzsche, “You’re not known by your friends, you are known by your enemies. Tell me who doesn’t like you, I will tell you who you are.” Bring it on.

— Peter Boyles