Hot, chic, typical, crazy, outrageous, amazing, innovative or tacky, fads and trends come and go and are the bookmarks of a certain time. As the hot weather slowly comes to a halt we’re feeling a bit contemplative about where to go and what to do. But autumn will fly by in a flash so take advantage of the crisp weather and fall foliage.

A fad, like food trucks, is a practice or interest that we follow for a period of time with exaggerated zeal. Strange as it may be, fads and trends reshape what we do.

So in the name of turning over a fall leaf, here are our choices for shopping, dining and entertainment to keep you as trendy as the hottest, latest outrageous fad:

3          Beautiful flowers never go out of style and the Dahlia is among the prettiest. See large arrangements on display at the Dahlia Society Show at Paulino Gardens, Sept. 6-7, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 303-429-8062.

3          For fab free fall fun take in the Cherry Creek East’s Jazz Concert in Pulaski Park Sept. 8, 6:30 p.m. Information:

3          Zoom in on American West color photography at opening reception at Robert Anderson Gallery, Sept. 12, 5-8 p.m. Information: 303-871-0800.

3          To be safe attend the Public Safety Expo at South High’s parking lot with food and live music Sept. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Information: 720-210-4056.

3          Make a good night’s sleep more than a passing fad by trying better mattresses for a better price from the recently opened SleepNation in Century 21 Plaza on South Colorado Blvd. Information: 303-954-9435.

3          For fabulous weekend football brunch specials plus happy hour all day hang out at the Monaco Inn Restaurant. Information: 303-320-1104.

3          Hop, skip and jump with the kids as they crawl, trot and run the kid course at the Children’s Museum Sept. 21, 9 a.m. Information: 303-561-0104.

3          Start a trend by watching Latin, Mexican, & European films showing at CineLatino in the Sie FilmCenter Sept. 25-26. Information: 720-381-0813.

3          This month’s hottest, hippest stage show is Grace playing at the John Hand Theatre, Sept. 4-27. This is a darkly funny, often hilarious, deadly serious and provocative play. Basically the story is an exploration of human assumption about how God, goodness, faith and causality operate. Performances are Thursday through Sunday plus a show on Monday, Sept. 27th. Information: 303-999-9143.

Whether we want to admit it or not we latch onto fads in fashion, pop culture, technology, and yes, even fads in foods. Every month it seems there’s a new “it” something. Smartphones, today’s mega technology trend, will likely seem ridiculous to people in 15 years. We’ll probably just have chips on wristwatches or in our heads.

Every eatery serves the latest craze — desserts with bacon, catfish croquettes, kiwi cocktails. But soon the fad fades, and the flavor of the week will settle into obscurity.

For fall fun get lost in a corn maze, go for a hayride or take a hot-air balloon ride. How about renting a cabin in the mountains or tailgating at football games? The latest wacky fad is banning automobile parking on city streets. You see cars are just a passing fad. Then again I’m going to start writing letters again once the email fad passes.

— Glen Richardson


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