by Mark Smiley

Carthel 2-16 The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle welcomed its newest member of their team of reporters, 22-year-old Glendale resident Megan Carthel. Carthel moved to Glendale last August from Texas, and has been reporting on local stories for the Chronicle since October. Her stories, including “Hal Weber Makes Kids’ Birthdays Special” and “Tiny Houses Pull Into The Valley,” have sparked a positive response from the community.

Carthel decided to move to Colorado because she needed a change. “I moved to the state after skiing in Colorado and I enjoyed my experience immensely,” said Carthel. “Denver reminded me of Austin, Texas.” She chose Glendale because it had affordable apartments to rent, was centrally located, and filled with younger people.

Carthel graduated from Texas State University-San Marcos with a B.A. in Electronic Media and a Political Science minor. As far as politics goes, she is more interested in the theory of politics. She believes that modern day politics is a PR stunt and theatrical.

Carthel has enjoyed numerous internships and other experience throughout her young career. Most of her experience was in Texas working as a sports marketing intern, news reporter, and even as a member of the Wings Team for Red Bull promotions.

Carthel was born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, and has many friends and family back home. Her passion for writing sparked early. She always wrote stories as a young girl. “I used to write these horrible stories as a child, but that’s where my passion for writing started,” said Carthel. “In college it developed into journalistic writing as I became more aware of the world around me.”

Now, she gets to write for a living. Carthel loves to work with and meet new people and never wants to stop learning. “Writing has always been a passion of mine,” said Carthel. “Doing this, I get to meet so many different kinds of people and see different parts of the community through their eyes. With journalism, and with writing, there’s always something new. A new story; a new angle; a new person to meet. It’s like a non-stop adventure, and I thinCarthel Skydiving 2-16k that’s very exciting.”

In addition to her duties as a reporter, Carthel has taken on full responsibility for the Chronicle’s social media sites including a brand new Facebook page. Visit the Chronicle’s new Facebook page at /GCCChronicle.

In her spare time, Carthel enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, whom she met within two weeks of moving to Colorado, staying active, riding, running, reading, and sky diving. Carthel realizes she has an incredible opportunity working for the Chronicle. “I feel lucky that I get to do what I love and hopefully make a difference in the community.”

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