Blasting With Boyles


Traditionally the media found a way to take initials of prominent politicians and begin to write about them that way like FDR, JFK, HST, and Ike. What would LBJ and MCJ have in common? During the Vietnam war LBJ did one of the most underhanded monetary maneuvers that has never received a lot of attention. He raided Social Security funds to fight his war.

Now, let’s take our current mayor MCJ. He is raiding the budgets of the city of Denver to pay for his seemingly endless demands to support the homeless, to no avail, as the number of homeless in Denver has tripled since 2018.

In the most recent five years of data, the Denver metro area has seen a total number of people homeless rise from 5,200 to almost 15,000. The homeless crisis worsens despite the $274 million-dollar investment. Oh, and by the way, if you noticed how MCJ dresses and acts, wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned at the collar with the tie pulled down, sleeves rolled up, a disheveled look, he is channeling RFK Sr.

Continued raids on parks and recreation budgets, slashing recreation center hours, reducing snow plowing, and the police and fire budgets, but the showstopper is now the list of demands from illegal immigrants.

If you haven’t seen the 13 demands from the illegal immigrants (newcomers), they say that you as a taxpayer must meet those demands before they will leave their camps. The demands were presented by a white, blonde woman wearing a pro-Palestinian scarf. The demands include free immigration lawyers and, my personal favorite, culturally appropriate food with fresh ingredients provided by you the taxpayer instead of those premade meals. They want rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, and onions, etc., that can be cooked on site.

They’ve lobbied Denver Human Services and they’re holding out and say the City has reneged on deals with them in the past. The demands are amazing, as they also claim they’re being punished for eating outside food. They claim their children are becoming malnourished because of the actions of the city of Denver.

They want medical help, unlimited shower access, the city will provide privacy for families and individuals within the shelter, no more verbal, physical, or mental abuse, including no sheriffs sleeping inside and monitoring them 24-7.

They say they’re not criminals but they’re being treated as such. Transportation for their kids to and from schools, the City must provide documents in Spanish and English, including numbers to call if they are being mistreated. And something I bet you can’t get, to schedule a meeting with MCJ.

I’m stunned by this. These are unbelievable demands. I’ve got $20 that says the City will meet, or is meeting, those demands as we speak. The late Bob Cote always talked about the bird feeder. Yeah you’re gonna get song birds, you’re gonna get squirrels, bears, and anything else that can reach in there and eat. Do you think these are the last demands these newcomers will make if this list of 13 is met?

I leave you with this. Denver has spent tens of millions of dollars on illegal immigrants and Denver property owners are being asked to open their homes to newcomer families. I wonder how many people are now living at the Mayor’s. Folks we’re in trouble. If you look back at what LBJ’s administration did you can almost predict the outcome of MCJ and the city of Denver.

— Peter Boyles

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