The best example that I can show anyone for my beliefs that Denver, Colorado, has been run by a cabal of bankers and developers, media elites, law firms and power brokers, is best illustrated by the story being covered by this newspaper, my colleagues Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden, Steffan Tubbs, Westword’s Michael Roberts, Craig Silverman and, of course, Channel 7’s Tony Kovaleski. The aforementioned cabal is a long list that includes bankers, newsmen, corporate leaders, political spokesmen, religious leaders who have all been as I call it “in the hat” and “on the take.” They are actually controlling the narrative itself since the arrival of Mayor Federico Peña and Governor Roy Romer.

Because I am, as I have long been, accused of being a pseudo intellectual, I harken back to one of the all time important books about this called The Critical Path, written by Buckminster Fuller. What the Buckster is saying is we have long been controlled by invisible power behind the thrones of kings, prime ministers, czars, presidents and other official “head men.” As well as the underlying causes of control, whether it’s a nation, state, a city, or a corporation. Bingo Buckey. While seemingly the rest of the media plays a cover up game, the above mentioned wave the bloody shirt.

I guess I would call my true idol, when it comes to understanding the media, is the father of us all, Thomas Jefferson. (TJ the DJ — disc jockey to the world.) Jefferson talked about a notion that only when truth can compete in a free market of ideas, truth will prevail. There is no marketplace in Denver. So let’s create one.

What has happened, what have we all witnessed in this eight years of Michael Hancock? An explosion of developers, fat cat bankers, butt boys and water cops. I ask you the Watergate-esque question, what did the power brokers know and when did they know it? I was told by my secret friend, “Peter you broke the code.”

In the beginning, this had nothing to do with a young African-American councilman going to visit the escorts. This had to do with the invisible czars seeing the ladies of the evening, i.e. Misty Dawn, Kitty, Amber, Daphne, Bailey and Autumn. For you guys reading this right now you all remember them. This is a case of the power brokers covering for themselves and owning a replacement mayor. They knew. My secret friend told me that in locker rooms and toney country clubs, athletic clubs, boardrooms and law firms, “Peter they’re all talking about you guys.”

As we go to press, I really can’t tell you what will happen next. Former Police Chief Gerry Whitman must come forward and explain to the public, did he hand over to the Brownstein law firm requested information pertaining to the surveillance of Scotty Ewing brothels, at that time owned by Brenda Stewart? What did Whitman know and when did he know it? Audiotapes that we secured from Scottie Ewing (he taped everybody when they talked to him, including me) allude to the fact that a couple of powerful members of the Denver media had more than a running access to the truth of what was taking place. Much like Nixon’s 18-1/2 minutes of missing tape all of that evidence is missing. We are led to believe it never made it to the police property room. And if you wanted to speak to the mayor-elect the Brownstein law firm was acting as his press secretary and apparently a lot of people breathed a sigh of relief when, in essence, a press shield was thrown up.

This could be a turning point in how the city operates or it could be another bag over the head, punch in the stomach and the Mayor stays on the job.

Stay tuned to KNUS. Keep an eye on Mike Roberts at Westword and hope Tony Kovaleski throws another knockout punch.

Believe me when I tell you, God doesn’t roll the dice.

  • Peter Boyles



The Critical Path author Buckminster Fuller

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