How Writing Columns Like This Are Going To Make You Go Blind.
Call It The Denverbergers

Recently I have been dedicating this award-winning column and lots of very expensive airtime to the hidden bosses of the City of Denver and the State of Colorado. Oftentimes the same person and the same organizations.

Since we seem to be the only scribes in the Colorado media to talk about John Hickenlooper’s trip to the Bilderberg I thought it would be of interest and importance for us to list the Denverbergers. The rich and powerful that have controlled Denver and the State of Colorado for a number of years.

As I have said to my critics, “I’ll quit when I need glasses.” Oops I already wear them. OK, I hope my mom doesn’t catch me.

One prediction — sometime after the first of the year, in January 2019, John Hickenlooper will announce his hat is in the ring. He will be running for President of the U.S. to challenge Donald Trump. Don’t take this bet, you’ll lose, he’s in.

We’ve spent a lot of time talking and writing about the power elites who control the EU, foreign policy decisions, and are currently on the ropes being punched by your old Trumpites. So in Colorado the elite of business, politics, media and academia tend to, and oftentimes do, control the direction of the City and the State.

I’m mindful now that everybody bitches about traffic and overcrowding. How did this happen? How did it get this way? Well it’s fairly simple. The same people who told you not to water your lawns and not to fill your kids’ swimming pools were handing out water permits to developers, campaign contributors, butt boys and buddies. You can’t make any money on roads, can’t make any money on infrastructure unless it’s the A Train to the plane. You just settle back, hope the Broncos get in the playoffs, and leave the rest up to us.

So along with my crack staff, Chuck and Julie, we’ve put the list together of who the Denverbergers are. From the top down:

Phil Anschutz — The state’s wealthiest business owner, the true gray eminence.

Pat Stryker — One of the most powerful people in the State of Colorado you never heard of. If there were ever a member of the lucky sperm club Pat would win. To the best of my knowledge Pat never lifted a finger in any kind of a working company.

John Hickenlooper — The name speaks for itself.

Norm Brownstein and Steve Farber — What more do you need to know.

Larry Mizel — CEO and Chairman of MDC Holdings. Made the Fortune 500 list. Knows how to stay in the background and also be part of the shakers and movers.

Tim Gill — Wealthy political activist, part of the Gang of Four with Pat Stryker.

Bruce Benson — Big time oilman. You see him everywhere if you dine at the Denver Country Club.

John Malone — Liberty Media. Always manages to get one of his many minions in on any meeting whether to foist the Olympic Games or some back-door power deal.

Charlie Ergen — Also known as EchoStar.

Peter Coors — Of course, I rest my case.

Stan Kroenke — Denver based Kroenke Sports Enterprises.

Pat Hamill — CEO of Oakwood Homes and former head of Colorado Concern.

Ken Salazar — Former U.S. Senator. Oil and power broker.

Wellington Webb — Former Denver Mayor.

Jack Finlaw — Fast Jack, advisor to kings and queens.

Kelly Brough — President and CEO of Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.

Walter Isenberg — President and CEO Sage Hospitalities.

Dan Ritchie — President Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation.

Bill Owens/Bob Beauprez crime family — Former Governor most recently found sucking up to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock at a Ken Salazar fundraiser.

Cole Finegan — Big money bundler.

Larry Richardson — Managing partner of Bow River Capital.

Sylvia Young — President and CEO of HealthONE.

And if you notice not one of these people holds an elected office, except Hickenlooper who is term limited and on his way to the stars.

But these people, whether you know their names or not, are the reason we have an overcrowded city and highways and homeless people crapping in your alley.

And as the sun sinks slowly on Denver’s corporate media outlets you’re not going to hear anything about these people. I bet there are few, if any, reporters who even know who these people are because they’re too busy covering Trump protests and celebrity dog washes.

So, when they get together to screw you and your family a majority of these people belong to Colorado Concern, an organization devoted to lining its members’ pockets and screwing you.

It doesn’t matter whether Walker Stapleton wins and Anschutz hands out the party favors or Jared Polis wins and Tim Gill hands out the party favors. Remember you got no shot. Go Broncos.

— Peter Boyles

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