The 2018 statewide elections in Colorado are over. While a blue wave may not have occurred nationwide it certainly did happen in the Centennial State. Republicans not only didn’t win the governorship it lost all statewide offices it held including Attorney General, Secretary of State and Treasurer by wide margins. In Denver all the sales tax hikes were approved as prognosticated in our August 2018 editorial. Statewide the voters shot down new taxes for education and roads although Denver voters likely would have approved both.
We Denverites love our taxes, perhaps reflecting the fact that Denver is home to a very significant number of federal, state and local employees. But we also demand value for our money which many feel we are not getting from our governing city government. Neighborhoods are being destroyed with inappropriate and endless high-density projects, parking downtown has become an arduous chore at times and our roads are increasingly jammed with no relief in sight.
It would appear that many citizens of Denver have had it with Michael Hancock who is viewed as a clueless puppet of high-density developers. The publicity of the mayor’s sexual harassment of police officer Leslie Branch Wise, and his use sub silencio of taxpayer money to pay her off, has been the last straw for many in the city.
Four years ago, not a single person qualified for the ballot to oppose Hancock’s re-election. The situation has dramatically changed today with at least three highly qualified candidates willing to take on his Honor. Last month we identified two of those individuals — Penfield Tate and Lisa Calderon. Since then another highly qualified candidate has entered the ring — Jamie Giellis.
Giellis, age 41, is the president of the River North Art District. She has b
een identified by The Denver Post as an important force in the development of RiNo, South Pearl Street and the Golden Triangle in her role as founder of Centro which specializes in urban planning.
Urban planning is exactly what has been sadly lacking for the last eight years as can be seen by the virtual destruction of what was one of Denver’s most scenic roadways — Speer Boulevard. Massive condo and apartment buildings crowd the roadway with no setback and totally devoid of any open areas and trees.
As Giellis correctly noted: “A broad vision for Denver is missing and the current mayor has been responding to, and not necessarily planning for, all the issues that come along with quickly growing urban areas.”
As far as we are concerned the more qualified candidates for mayor the better. Under Denver’s Charter if no person reaches the 50% level in the first round of voting there is a runoff between the top two candidates.
It is not that Hancock will be easy to defeat. Those that control the mayor have been raising large sums of money for his re-election, from the high-density developers and other lowlifes that have been raping Denver for fun and profit for years. But the voters of Denver may, at long last, have become disenchanted with Harasser-in-Chief and all the money in the world will hopefully not save him.
- Editorial Board