“Go to town and simmer down,” is commonly shared straw-hat season advice. In other words go for a summer romp. You know, let off some steam and play it cool. You can even jump in the pool and make a summer splash. “It’s the hay-day time of the year with the trees’es and sweet-scented breezes.” You’ll find serenity and solitude in a stroll.

It is the month when summer begins winding toward a climax, the college kids are packing it all away, and Colorado’s cool sunsets never linger quite long enough.

Here are our cool choices for shopping, dining and entertainment so you’ll simmer down, settle back, take 10, take time out, go to town and unwind:

3          Get a cool start to the dog days of summer by enjoying food, art and music at the Denver International Festival in Civic Center Park Aug. 3, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. There’s a Kids Village, beer-wine. Information: 721-319-8441.

3          See state’s top talent at the Throwdown Showdown at Infinity Park Event Center, Aug. 5-6 & 8. Information: infinityparkeventcenter.com/tickets.

3          Chill out to foot-stomping music at the final Shady Grove Picnic Series at Four Mile Park Wed. Aug. 7-21, 6:30 p.m. Information: 303-777-1003.

3          Relax at Sloan’s Lake Art-Music Fest enjoying music, food and booths of art Aug. 10-11, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 4 p.m. Information: 303-916-5711.

3          The heat’s on to get this summer’s painting jobs done. Emerald Isle Painting’s 20 years residential-commercial painting know-how will transform your project with quality paint. Information: 303-322-4753.

3          With great food and beer plus late night menu and Sunday night jazz the Bull & Bush is the place to be all month long. Don’t miss eatery-brewery’s 48th Anniversary Concert Aug. 3,10 p.m. Information: 303-759-0333.

3          Taste dishes paired with wines-spirits at annual Cherry Creek North Food & Wine on Fillmore Plaza Aug. 17, 5 p.m. Information: 303-394-2904.

3          Catch the music of former Three Dog Night lead singer Chuck Negron at the Paramount Theater on Aug. 24, 8 p.m. Information: 303-623-0106.

3          See 30 rugby teams from around the world as they gather at Glendale’s Infinity Park for three-day Rugbytown Sevens competition. Events include Military Championship and a Fallen Rugger ceremony. Dates are Aug. 23-25. This year’s Bruises & Brews Beerfest is one day only, Aug. 24, 3-7 p.m. If you’re a beer aficionado you’ll enjoy offering from dozens of different breweries plus distilleries. Information: Rugby town7s.com.

Summer is one of the Valley’s truest pleasures; be it backyard cookouts, or a sweet ode to cars, girls and partying at the pool or in town. While school’s still out, it’s time to get down, get sunburned and make waves. George Gershwin said it best in the opera Porgy and Bess: “Summer time and the living is easy.” Laziness has respectability.

August days are hot and still. Temperatures top at 88°F, rarely falling below 75°F or exceeding 95°F. Lows average 62°F, rarely falling below 51°F or above 67°F.

It’s been a thrilling but grilling summer so far. If the back of your neck is getting dirty and gritty, open the window and let the air freshly blow upon face and hair. Yes summer waxes long but then it wanes, passing its fading green glory to Autumn. Until those cooler days arrive, if you see a heat wave coming remember to wave back.

 — Glen Richardson

The Valley Gadfly can be reached at newspaper@glendalecherrycreek.com.

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