One of the most revealing media moments in the last 20 years along the Front Range came in a Channel 9 studio when former Governor (Senator-elect) John Hickenlooper told Kyle Clark’s newsroom it was their job to protect him….

It reminded me of when I used to go to my grandma’s house to watch TV. Some of you may remember Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler, when Jim would hold up the tortoise and Marlin would tell us little kids that like the tortoise shell, Mutual of Omaha will protect you.

A con then and a con now.

Note to Channel 9, when you printed the story on your 9 News page you claimed that John Boy told you it was the job of “journalists” to protect him. Oh, not so. He was sitting in your newsroom talking to your television camera and to your reporter. He never uttered the words “you journalists,” rather he says “you guys” meaning you guys at Channel 9.

So, what’s this about? This is about John Hickenlooper going to the Bilderberg meeting in Turin, Italy. When I first broke this story on my award-winning radio show I was told to go put on my tin foil hat and find more conspiracy theories about DIA and that Patsy Ramsey really didn’t do it.

Part of my Irish mafia, former House Speaker Frank McNulty, put this together on the show that Hickenlooper would be protected by the media. They all ignored the Bilderberg trip and are now doing their best to ignore that Hickenlooper flew on Larry Mizel’s jet to Connecticut. As Jack Kennedy said, “Let me say this about that.”

Larry Mizel, along with Phil Anschutz, are the Republican Party in Colorado. They fund the clown show that’s been attempting to run the State of Colorado since Bill Owens dropped out of sight.

I’ve spoken to you and written to you about Colorado’s Uniparty. It’s not Republicans at the top or Democrats at the top. It’s the Uniparty. What do you think the boys talked about on the trip? As we well know, Larry’s never got any irons in the fire. John’s other protector has always been The Denver Post. The Post wrote editorials claiming what McNulty and I were saying was “politically motivated lies.” They went on to call it a political stunt. The Post also said, we represent lazy reporting or, perhaps, willful disregard for the truth.

Wow. Pretty cool huh? Now isn’t it fascinating that no one else reported Hickenlooper telling Channel 9, why aren’t you doing the job you’ve always done, protect me? The only person that I heard from was Samantha Zager. She is the Regional Communications Director for Trump Victory 2020. She lives in Milwaukee; her area code is 414. Isn’t it fascinating The Denver Post didn’t report this story? It fell on deaf ears. Whatever John believes that he’s entitled to do you really think the press owes him protection from his own corrupt decision-making? McNulty’s complaint alleges Hickenlooper violated Amendment 41 of the Colorado Constitution which prohibits state employees and public officials from receiving gifts worth more than $53 per year. How about them Bilderbergers?

You will never know the truth about this. Because, of course, as you know the role of the Denver media is to protect the best little boy in town, John Hickenlooper. By the way, Cory Gardner, Colorado Republican Party Chair Congressman Ken Buck, and every other GOP “outlet” also ignored what Hickenlooper said. Run, Johnny run.

And Merry Christmas.

— Peter Boyles

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