Our republican form of government requires representation. When the US Congress first convened in 1789, each congressman represented about 33,000 constituents. Now that number has grown to over 700,000, so it’s no wonder many of us feel we are not being adequately represented.

Take my Congressman, Republican Representative Ken Buck (CO-04). During the 2020 campaign season, as I was knocking doors and making calls for President Trump, I was also encouraging voters to re-elect Mr. Buck. I am embarrassed about this now. Over the past three years, Buck has consistently sided with the regime over his constituents.

On a GOP-wide virtual call on December 2, 2020, Buck attempted to pacify Colorado voters by stating:

“It is so important that people have confidence in their elections, and that people understand that in Colorado — I can’t speak for other states, but in Colorado — we’re doing it the right way and we have confidence in our election results.”

Buck continues to double down on Colorado’s elections, despite the evidence revealed in the Mesa County Forensic Reports One, Two, and Three, the USEIP Colorado Canvassing Report, and the April 24, 2021 system vulnerabilities report.

This evidence is public, and Buck has access to all of it. He ignores it, and he continues to peddle the regime’s messaging about 2020 being the safest and most secure election in history.

Strike One: Ken Buck believes Joe Biden is legitimate and that he received 81 million real, lawful, American votes.

Earlier this month, Buck spoke to CNN’s Jake Tapper and declared that he would not be supporting the upcoming impeachment inquiry. His reasoning for this was shocking:

“They are looking to see if there is a connection with Joe Biden. If they reach that point where they could find evidence of a connection, fine. I think that the Republicans will move forward with an impeachment inquiry. Right now, I’m not convinced that that evidence exists. And I’m not supporting an impeachment inquiry.”

Since the Marco Polo Biden Laptop Report was published, every member of Congress received the report multiple times. The report details 459 violations of US law by Hunter, James, and, yes, Joe Biden, going back several years.

The laptop has been authenticated, as affirmed by the NY Times, but Buck is not convinced that there is evidence of Biden’s corruption.

Strike Two: Ken Buck denies Biden’s corruption, despite repeatedly being sent evidence of Biden’s corruption.

Buck’s latest viral moment denying reality is the most egregious.

Todd Watkins is a veteran, a retired US Border Patrol Chief, and the current Vice Chairman of the El Paso County GOP. On August 21, Watkins sent a letter to the Colorado Republican Party, regarding the treatment of the January 6 political prisoners. More than 200 Coloradans, many of them Republican officials, signed on in support of the letter.

On September 1, 2023, Ken Buck responded, claiming that Watkins, “makes a number of factually incorrect claims, and then proceeds to overstate the threat to our Republic based on these false claims.”

The threat to our Republic in 2023 cannot be overstated, but Buck claims that J6ers:

Had charging and detention decisions by the book.

Received the exact same treatment as all other inmates.

Were not denied medical treatment.

Were not denied contact with counsel.

Did not have their rights violated.

For these false claims, Buck cites AP News, The Guardian, NY Times, CBS News, Just Security, and CBS WUSA9. All of Buck’s claims are provably false; subscribe to my substack for a much longer piece breaking down all Buck’s claims in detail.

That a so-called conservative would place so much trust in the mainstream media as to condone civil liberty and human rights violations of Americans is stunning.

Strike Three: Ken Buck believes J6 was an insurrection and condones the civil and human rights atrocities against J6ers.

Effective Representation demands truth. By denying the truth about the election, Biden’s corruption, and the J6 operation, Buck disqualifies himself and disserves those he represents.

Should Ken Buck decide to run again, he must be defeated after failing his constituents for so many years.

Last time I checked, we are still in America. In America, three strikes mean you’re out.

Ashe Epp is a writer and activist. You can find all her work at

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