Denver’s Odd Couple Alienates Glendale Residents, Businesses At Meeting Tay Anderson And Emily Sirota Called An ‘Embarrassment’
by Mark Smiley
After a week of consternation, the Glendale City Council elected at its meeting on July 21, 2020, to support Governor Jared Polis and his statewide mask mandate and to opt out of the controversial, and seemingly highly unpopular, mask mandate of the Tri-County Health Department (TCHD).
It was expected to be a relatively mundane meeting of the Glendale City Council on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, called to discuss whether Glendale should adopt a mask ordinance closer to Denver’s or instead stay within TCHD’s mask order which applies to the counties of Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas.
TCHD’s board voted to implement the mandate on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, by a close 5 to 4 vote. The order also allowed each county and its individual municipalities the option to opt out by July 24, 2020. At the time of publication, Douglas County, Castle Rock, Bennett, Parker, and Brighton had already chosen to opt out. Douglas County indicated that it was giving notice that it was dropping out of TCHD altogether.
The July 14th Council Meeting
But what was supposed to be a relatively noncontroversial, technical meeting on what was the better choice for Glendale, turned into a wild donnybrook when two Denver elected officials, Tay Anderson (member of the Denver School Board) and Emily Sirota (a recently appointed State House Representative), decided to make the meeting a cause celeb. They notified local television stations that they, and their supporters, planned to go to the meeting and disrupt it. Two of the local television stations live streamed the entire two and one-half hour meeting.
The City Council, at the end of meeting, continued it until the following Tuesday to give the city staff a chance to prepare a resolution in line with Denver’s for the City Council to consider.
The Odd Couple In Action
Standing at the back of the room leaning against the wall, Anderson and Sirota appeared to giggle, laugh and mock any Glendale residents who did not speak in favor of their position. Anderson shouted from the back of the room for the Council to shut down when an opponent went over three minutes, not withstanding the fact the Council did not limit anyone to three minutes.
Mayor Dunafon felt compelled to repeatedly admonish Anderson and Sirota to stop harassing and laughing at people who came to the podium who did not agree with them. Anderson appeared to be the worse of the pair. The 21-year-old demands people address him as “Director” or “Director Anderson,” claiming the title as a result of being on the Board of Directors for the Denver Public Schools.
When he spoke, he threatened to recall members of the City Council unless they voted for the TCHD order, but did not explain why if the Denver order was appropriate for Denver, which surrounds Glendale and is the city he lives in, why it wasn’t appropriate for Glendale. In a moment of apparent hubris, he declared that: “I am not the mayor of Denver — Yet!”
Known as the young bully of Denver politics he had also threatened recall for Greenwood Village Council members if they did not vote to rescind Resolution 40-20 on police immunity. He successfully threatened the Stapleton neighborhood to change its name, even though it had undergone a vigorous election just recently and had voted to keep the Stapleton name. Anderson had said he and his cohorts would march and take over the streets of Stapleton unless they acceded to his demands, which they did.
Emily Sirota, State Representative for House District 9, was very concerned at the prospect of Glendale not adopting TCHD’s order rather than one closer to Denver’s. She declared: “Both residents of Glendale and those who live in surrounding parts of Denver who often frequent businesses and restaurants in Glendale are very concerned and if you opt out of this order, they won’t feel comfortable shopping here.”
Other Public Testimony At Council Meeting
In an effort to convince the City Council to remain under TCHD’s mask mandate, Anderson and Sirota organized a group to email members of the City Council throughout the day and appear before the council during the public comments portion of the meeting. To their surprise, there were more people signed up to speak on behalf of opting out of mandatory mask requirements altogether at the meeting, although the City Council did not appear to consider that an acceptable option. In total, 23 people signed up to address the Council.
“Who is responsible for policing this?” asked David Peterson, owner of the Bull and Bush Brewery in Glendale. “We have enough going on as it is. I don’t need to be the police and enforcer of this mandate.” Peterson referenced the clause in the mandate that requires members to be in the same household to dine together. Peterson already requires masks to enter his restaurant.
Lance Anthony, a longtime resident of Glendale, simply said, “Opt out, this is insane. If you can smell cigarette smoke through your mask, it is not working.” Anthony who has been a paramedic and a nurse pointed directly at Anderson and Sirota and demanded they stop interrupting the meeting and harassing everyday citizens.
“I think people can make their own decisions and a requirement to wear a mask should not be mandated,” said Ricky King, former Glendale City Councilmember and Glendale employee for 22 years.
Public comments lasted just under one hour and after listening to all testimony, City Council decided to consult with their constituents individually and reconvene on Tuesday, July 21, 2020.
TCHD’s Dr. Douglas’ Antics Condemned
Strangely, Sirota approached Deputy City Manager Chuck Line on a number of occasions referring to emails she was receiving from the head of TCHD, Dr. John M. Douglas, indicating that TCHD was going to change the order to address the household controversy. It is a mystery why Dr. Douglas would communicate with Sirota who does not live or work in Glendale, rather than with Glendale officials.
The general disgust with the antics and lack of professionalism of Douglas was exemplified by the comments of Glendale City Manager Linda Cassaday at the meeting. She pointed out she had been on a two hour Zoom conference call with Douglas who failed to ever note the same to her. It was apparent that Douglas was watching the
Glendale proceeding on the live stream and was making positions up as the meeting was going on. In fact, as of the July 21 meeting no changes had, in fact, been made. After the meeting there were calls for the immediate resignation of Dr. Douglas from TCHD.
Sirota is the wife of David Sirota, author, journalist, former radio host, and former writer for Bernie Sanders. David Sirota has many friends and acquaintances in Glendale and so his wife’s conduct shocked many people. One attendee stated: “I really like David, but she is apparently just an ultimate ‘Karen.’ Why she wants to be the sidekick to an obese, balding, bully punk like Tay Anderson is beyond me. She is not the person I assumed her to be. Unlike David she sure isn’t making any friends among the residents of Glendale or anywhere else from what I can tell.”
Governor Polis Intervenes
But upending the applecart on Thursday, July 16, 2020, Governor Polis issued a statewide mask mandate as the number of COVID-19 cases were showing what he called a “significant uptick.” The order for wearing a face mask applies to everyone in the state who is age 10 and older whenever they are anywhere in public and indoors. People who have medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from wearing face masks are exempt. On July 21, he issued another edict, last call for alcohol is 10 p.m., effective for 30 days. The question for Glendale then became supporting the Governor’s order or that of TCHD.
At the Glendale City Council meeting on July 14, 2020, Deputy City Manager Chuck Line explained that among the problems with the TCHD’s mandate is that it groups people into “households” instead of simply limiting a group’s size in restaurants, businesses and outdoor recreation. This means, under TCHD’s mandate, people must wear a mask and maintain six feet of social distancing while at restaurants, businesses and outdoors unless they reside in the same home. It was pointed out that the average age in Glendale is 27 and 58% of the residents live alone in apartments. That means that a majority of Glendale residents could never go to a Glendale restaurant with anyone, including their parents and children.
The TCHD mandate appeared to have been drawn for wealthy individuals in single family homes in towns like Cherry Hills Village and not urban areas like Glendale where there are only two single family homes.
Council Takes Action
At that meeting the City Council voted 7 to 0 to support the Governor’s mask order and opt out of the TCHD order. The vote was almost unanimously praised at the podium by speakers from residents and business owners alike.