Collaboration Fest Draws Big Crowd For 6th Annual Event

Collaboration Fest Draws Big Crowd For 6th Annual Event

by Mark Smiley

On March 16, 2019, Two Parts hosted the 6th Annual Collaboration Beer Fest at the Hyatt Regency in Denver. This creative beer festival featured 100+ beer projects with over 200 participating breweries. How does a beer project happen? Two or more breweries come together to brew something special with one or both being a member of the Colorado Brewers Guild. The result? Some of the most exciting, rare, and delicious beer tappings you’ll find anywhere.

Comrade Brewing: Benjamin Housman, left, and Andrew Lester from Comrade Brewing were among the breweries that collaborated with other breweries to make unique beers. Comrade, located at 7667 E. Iliff Avenue in Denver, worked with Pelican Brewing and Epic Brewing.

Many good beers filled the exhibit hall of the Hyatt Regency. Some standouts were Comrade Brewing and Epic Brewing (Denver) who combined to make a Dry-Hopped California Common. Comrade Brewing also collaborated with Pelican Brewing (Pacific City, OR) to brew an IPA with Orange Peel and Citrusy Hops.

The longest lines were at the booth reserved for Cerebral Brewing (Denver) and WeldWerks Brewing Company (Greeley) who collaborated to make a New England-style Double IPA Brewed with Nelson Sauvin, Sabro, and Citra Hops.

New Terrain Brewing Company (Golden) and Molly’s Spirits (Lakeside) also had a crowd for their Desert Berliner Weisse with Yogurt. It was one of the most unusual beers found at the fest and was a hit among attendees. Stop by Molly’s Spirits in Lakeside for this and other collaboration beers while supplies last.

Milkshake IPAs were at a few booths and one collaboration that stood out was from Launch Pad Brewery (Aurora) and Bent Barley Brewing (Aurora). This beer was brewed with fresh carrots, walnuts, lactose, vanilla beans, and spices.

Fiction Beer (Denver) and Calicraft Brewing (Walnut Creek, CA) brought a single malt grain bill to set the stage for the combination of yeast, hops, and fruit. Peaches and Viognier Grapes made up 25% of this beer. A custom blend of bretttanomyces and champagne yeast were used to ferment this beer dry with almost no residual sugar. Only whirlpool hops and huge dry hops add to the complexity. The bright aroma of citrus, tropical and stone fruit from the hops are the perfect complement to the sweet nectar and herbal aroma from the fruit and our blend of yeast. The flavor is enhanced by the incredibly dry finish. Crisp, bright, and complex.

Collaboration Fest: The 6th Annual Collaboration Fest was held on March 16, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency in Denver.

Visit for more information and a full list of all collaborations. Stay tuned for next year’s event as Two Parts always puts on a high quality and well-organized event.

Denver Built ‘Baby Boom’ To Propel Planet Into Supersonic Era

Denver Built ‘Baby Boom’ To Propel Planet Into Supersonic Era

Planned 2019 Test Flight To Hit Speeds Of 1,688 MPH;

Denver Co-Founders Raise $150 Million For Start-Up Firm

Future Boom Operator: Japan Airlines has invested $10 million in Boom and was given a special tour of the Denver headquarters. The airline has pre-ordered 20 aircraft and got a peek at the XB-1.

The XB-1 aircraft dubbed Baby Boom — a one-third-scale supersonic demonstrator — being built by Denver-based Boom Supersonic plans its first test flight later this year. Designed to reach speeds of up to 1,688 miles per hour or twice the speed of sound, it is the prototype for a commercial 55-passenger plane with a range of 5,180 miles to be introduced by 2023.

Co-founded by Denverites Blake Scholl and Josh Krall in 2014, the firm had raised $151 million by January of this year. Among the startup investors were several venture funds that kicked in $33 million in March 2017. In December 2017 Japan Airlines invested another $10 million, enough to build the XB-1 “Baby Boom.” Then in January Boom Supersonic was given another $100 million by Apple founder Steve Jobs’ widow Laurene Powell Jobs.

Supersonic Building Boom: Co-founded by Denverites Blake Scholl and Josh Krall in 2014, Boom Supersonic plans a test flight of the XB-1 aircraft dubbed Baby Boom this year.

Comfortably Close: The 55-seat plane named the Boom Overture will be able to fly from New York to London, Paris to Montreal, and Madrid to Boston in under four hours or less than half the time of conventional jets.

Boom says its aircraft — with a price estimate of $200 million — will produce a sonic boom at least 30 times quieter than the Concorde, which was also dogged by high operating costs and fuel consumption plus low capacity utilization. Boom estimates that fares for its aircraft will be 75% lower than the Concorde and comparable to current business class tickets, due to better fuel efficiency.

Pre-Orders Booming

Boom has 76 pre-orders for the 55-seat plane. The first commercial airline to back the venture with investments was British airline Virgin Atlantic that has options for 10 of the new aircraft. They made the deal 14 years after the final flight of the Concorde. In addition Japan Airlines has the option to purchase up to 20 Boom aircraft and will assist efforts to hone the aircraft’s design and passenger experience, according to the companies.

Called the Boom Overture, the 55-seat plane will be able to fly from New York to London, Paris to Montreal, and Madrid to Boston in under four hours — less than half the time of conventional jets. Although the plane will have fewer than half the seats of a Concorde, company officials say it will have a much better range — a staggering 5,180 miles.

The supersonic jet will also be more economical, and its sonic boom will be “at least 30 times quieter” than Concorde, the company claims. They also say that when it comes to landing and take-off: “Overture will be as quiet as the subsonic aircraft flying similar routes today.”

Mach 2.2 Speed

The firm says its jetliner — expected to enter service by the mid 2020s — will fly at speeds of Mach 2.2, 10% faster than the British-French joint venture Concorde, which popularized supersonic jet travel in the 1970s.

With 500 viable routes, there could be a market for 1,000 supersonic airliners with business class fares. It expects to keep the delta wing configuration of the Concorde but would be built with composite materials. It would be powered by three dry 15,000 20,000 lbf (67-89 kN) turbofans; a derivative or a clean sheet design will be selected in 2019.

General Electric Co., Honeywell International Inc. and Netherlands-based TenCate Advanced Composites are among suppliers for the Denver firm’s supersonic jets.

Accessible Planet

The Denver-based company was founded for the express purpose of making our planet dramatically more accessible. “We are taking proven science and engineering and using it to build a Mach-2.2 airliner that will kick off the supersonic era. And we are making the company a place where the best people on the planet can be inspired and enabled to do the best and most meaningful work of their careers,” says Founder-CEO Blake Scholl.

Blake’s Baby: Making high-speed travel mainstream is why Blake Scholl, who lives in Denver and is the father of three, founded Boom Supersonic.

Speed isn’t about going really fast Scholl says, “It’s about closeness. It’s about making far-away places feel like they’re right around the corner.” His point: Some people say that speed makes the world smaller. But at Mach 2.2, the planet is as big as ever. Life is bigger when it is experienced in person — with supersonic speeds, we’ll all experience a bigger world than ever before.

Over long distances people don’t think in miles and kilometers. They think in hours,” the CEO clarifies. He explains it this way: Crossing the U.S. takes about five hours. Going from New York to Dubai takes about 14. Speed isn’t about going really fast. It’s about closeness. It’s about making far away places feel like they’re right around the corner. If we can fly twice as fast, the world becomes twice as small, turning far off lands into familiar neighbors.

Founding Trio

Making high-speed travel mainstream is exactly why Scholl who lives in Denver and is the father of three founded Boom Supersonic. With a BS in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon, he has held leadership roles at Amazon and Groupon and co-founded mobile technology startup Kima Labs that was acquired by Groupon in 2012.

Engineering Change: The first go of Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 engines on a U.S. Air Force Academy test cell ran to 95% of power.

Sitting at the intersection of engineering, design, and marketing, Josh Krall — who also lives here — co-founded Boom with Scholl. He also attended Carnegie Mellon and has an MBA-MPP from Chicago Booth. Co-founder of two startups, his technical work includes owning multidisciplinary design automation software used for conceptual and preliminary aircraft design. He is leading Boom’s efforts to re-imagine the experience of flying and to craft the company’s brand.

Andy Cipra is the third member of the Boom team. He served as head of marketing at Denver’s Dish Network where he created partnerships with Southwest Airlines, Apple and Netflix. Most recently he was Chief Marketing-Commercial Officer for several start-ups in the healthcare and technology space. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from Purdue and an MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.



The Fight Leads Back To Brownstein Farber Law Firm
by Julie Hayden

It is the fight and the lawsuit that all the rich and powerful in Denver are obsessively talking about, but is being kept out of the news by the efforts of the all powerful Brownstein Hyatt Farber and Schreck LLP law firm (Brownstein Farber) its principals and/or persons on their behalf. It has been dubbed the “Black Tie Society Civil War” as many of the litigants are featured on webpages of “Blacktie Colorado” attending high society and major charitable soirées. The lawsuit accuses Cherry Creek multi-millionaire James Lustig of “masterminding” the scheme, using friends and family, tied by blood and marriage as “straw purchasers” to reap millions of dollars in stock manipulations. If you think the stock market is rigged for the benefit of the rich, the lawsuit appears to be proof positive of that fact.

Powerful Sisterhood: Sisters Cindy Farber, left, and Debbie Lustig, right, and their husbands Steve Farber, center, and James Lustig (not pictured) are at the center of the Black Tie Society Civil War and accompanying lawsuit in Federal District Court in Denver.

Berlin Claims

David Berlin, a Denver securities mogul, through two investment companies he controls (Detroit Street Partners, Inc. and Birchwood Resources, Inc.) filed two lawsuits in late 2017 and early 2018 which were later consolidated into a single suit (the Lawsuit) in Federal District Court in Colorado. His companies are suing 20-odd individuals and companies who are a veritable “Who’s Who” of Denver society, alleging securities fraud and racketeering.

In the lawsuits Berlin alleged that the parties masterminded by James A. Lustig, another major Denver securities mogul, participated in a market manipulation scheme to fraudulently obtain allocation of initial public offering (IPO) shares from J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and eight other banks which include such other financial titans as Goldman Sachs & Co., Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., and Citigroup Markets Inc. (the Banks). He alleges they engaged in “countless instances of market manipulation, wire fraud, securities fraud and other racketeering activities” that cost Berlin entities “to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.” Lustig’s wife, Debbie, is the sister of Cindy Farber, who is the wife of Steve Farber, a co-founder of the all-powerful Brownstein Farber law firm. Steve Farber is in turn accused of heading one of the key defendants CLFS Equities, LLLP (CLFS).

The Mastermind: Securities mogul James A. Lustig is accused in a lawsuit by companies controlled by fellow mogul David Berlin to have masterminded a fraudulent securities and racketeering scheme to reap millions from IPOs allocated by major international banks.

Brownstein Farber Drafts Key Documents

Berlin claims Brownstein Farber drafted contractual provisions among the defendants that “would purport to keep [the scheme] confidential and “and were used in, “racketeering activity” as defined by Colorado statutes “and that Brownstein Farber’s actions could be construed as “having participated in racketeering enterprise” under Colorado law.

It goes on to specifically allege that “upon information and belief, Brownstein Farber co-founder Steven W. Farber is the ‘F” in CLFS.”


The consolidated Lawsuit revolves around the fact that major banks act as underwriters for the initial offering to the public of shares in a company (IPO shares). The banks cannot simply reserve the IPO shares for themselves but must offer them to independent entities or individuals. The initial price of the IPO is set by the banks in consultation with company going public with the banks having the major say. If the initial offering price is set low enough it is almost guaranteed that the IPO shares can immediately be resold for a profit with little or no risk in the secondary market.

The holders of the IPO shares, unlike average investors, will make millions off the initial offering even if the shares later tank. Over the years the banks have indirectly tried to figure out various schemes to take as much of the profits on the immediate resale of IPO shares as possible for themselves which may have dubious legality, but they have gotten away with it for many a decade. The consolidated Lawsuit goes to extreme lengths not to allege any wrongful actions by the Banks and even refers to them as the “Innocent Banks” as Berlin clearly does not wish to offend some of the the most powerful financial institutions in the world.

The Allocation Scam

Berlin’s companies were for many years allocated IPO shares due to the fact they were deemed preferred customers with ten million dollars or more deposited with the bank. In order to rake in more of the profits the Banks began in 2011 to demand that the customer provide a minimum of $600,000 per year in commissions from trading through the bank rather than simply $10 million on deposit. In order to spread the wealth around the Banks adopted a rule that a group of clients with $600,000 or more would be given a greater number of IPOs than a single customer with the same amount of total commissions. Thus five customers with $600,000 in commissions each would collectively garner more IPO shares than a single customer who generated $3 million in commissions.

Denver Super Lawyer: Attorney Steve Farber and the law firm he co-founded are alleged in a federal lawsuit brought by companies controlled by David Berlin to be central to a purported securities fraud and racketeering scheme involving IPOs.

Berlin alleges that Lustig, with the help and connivance of Brownstein Farber, devised a racketeering scheme to take advantage of the new allocation rules to the detriment of the Berlin companies. Lustig set up a scheme whereby Lustig and other entities including CLFS would advance to straw companies he set up for relatives and friends $600,000 plus. The straw companies were then directed to buy shares of identified companies that would be quickly sold that afternoon. The sole purpose of the trades was to generate commissions for the banks so that the straw company would be allocated IPO shares. Berlin claimed the quick purchases and sale of stock with no purpose to profit on the sale were illegal “churning” and “wash sales.” The $600,000 plus would be repaid with interest by the straw companies. Forty percent of the profits from the immediate sale of IPO shares would then be paid to Lustig or Lustig entities under the guise of accounting and administrative services.

What is amazing is that even after paying the Banks huge sums of money in worthless commissions there was so much money in the reselling of the IPO shares that Lustig and the other Defendants still netted millions in profits.

Defendants’ Defenses

A principal defense by many of the Defendants to the purported illegal activity appears to the participation of Brownstein Farber in drawing up the documents regarding the purported scheme including non-disclosure agreements alleged to hide the illegal scheme from federal and state regulators. As stated in the Motion to Dismiss by Jeremy and Mia Abelson (son-in-law and daughter of James A. Lustig):

Brownstein U.S. Attorney: The present U.S. Attorney is Jason Dunn, is a former Brownstein partner.

In fact, there would be no reason for anyone, especially the Abelson Defendants, to think there was anything untoward in actively and deliberately maximizing their eligibility for IPO allocation because the lawyers involved in the effort had raised no concerns or warnings. Specifically, according to Plaintiffs, the “highly sophisticated” Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP (“Brownstein”) was retained to draft non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) to be signed by the entities with which the Lustig Defendants are alleged to have engaged. Brownstein participation reassured the Abelson Defendants that engaging with the Lustig Defendants — and even entering into confidentiality agreements in connection with such engagement — was not unlawful or even problematic in any way . . . It is also evidence of good faith on the part of the Abelson Defendants (and negation of intent to defraud . . .) that they understood that highly reputable lawyers were involved and raised no red flags.

At the time of the filing, Bob Troyer was a U.S. Attorney, and a former Brownstein partner.

It is not clear how much of the defense that Brownstein Farber was involved doing legal work for the project (and therefore nothing could possibly be illegal) will stand up in court. Berlin alleges that the straw companies necessarily engaged in fraud on the Banks in order to get the IPO shares including that the funds used were from personal or family wealth, and (2) that Lustig did not have a beneficial interest in the profits from the IPO shares. Various of the Defendants seem to indicate they signed whatever Lustig and/or Brownstein Farber told them to sign without obtaining their own separate legal counsel.

Bo Brownstein To Jail And Close Connections

The Defendants were, however, undoubtedly aware that Drew “Bo” Brownstein (the son of the co-founder of Brownstein Farber, Norm Brownstein), was sentenced in 2012 to federal prison for a year and a day and fined $2.44 million for illegal insider securities trades. But in that case no one alleged that Brownstein Farber firm had set up the illegal insider trades.

The willingness to rely simply on Brownstein Farber was perhaps due to the close connections of all of the Defendants to each other. In addition, some of the Defendants may have employed Brownstein Farber in other unrelated legal matters. The Defendants are a dizzying montage of relatives and friends, including James Lustig’s close acquaintance William Sander and Sander’s step-son Jonathan Marsico, the nephew of mutual fund giant Tom Marsico; brothers Brandon and Brett Perry, in addition to their mother, Ricki Rest; Buzz Alterman and his ex-brother-in-law, Andrew Harrison; real estate titan Skip Miller, and Miller’s son-in-law and work colleague Steve Shoflick, who is married to Lustig’s niece; Lustig’s brother-in-law, and work colleague. Local investors Samuel Zaitz and William Hall are also Defendants along with Jake Cohen, Todd Eberstein and Jan Falber.

One of the other defendants, Jeremy Abelson typifies the close connections between the alleged “straw purchasers”: he is married to Lustig’s niece Mia Abelson who is Skip Miller’s daughter, is Schoflick’s brother-in-law and brother-in-law to Mia’s sister Melissa Mackiernan, another Defendant.

Other Defendants listed in the lawsuit include Denny Pepper, Ronald Vlosich, Kenneth Ricek, Aaron Wolk, John Goldenberg and Jonathon Vinnik.

David Berlin himself was very much part of that close-knit group of high society friends and relatives that he is now suing. As stated in Lustig’s Motion to Dismiss:

Demonstrating that David Berlin, the owner of both Plaintiffs, previously worked alongside many of the defendants and engaged in the conduct he now labels racketeering. Plaintiffs all allege they ‘previously had access to a database’ controlled by the Lustig defendants which contains information about IPO share distribution practices.

The Defendants, along with the defense that the documents were drawn up by Brownstein Farber and therefore must be legal, also state that the fraudulent misstatements were made to the Banks and not to Berlin and Berlin did not rely on them to his detriment. Moreover, they claim that the sale and immediate reselling of the stocks were not illegal “churning” or “wash sales” as those terms are defined. They also state that if Berlin has any cause of action it is against the Banks who drew up any and all new IPO allocation criteria that he is now complaining about.

Out Of The Public Eye

Why Brownstein Farber or people on their behalf have tried, heretofore highly successfully, to keep the lawsuits out of public purview is that in the lawsuits appear possible alleged criminal activities by Brownstein Farber and as well as each of the Defendants. Insiders indicate that at least in Colorado Brownstein Farber is almost bulletproof. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado at the time of the filings was Bob Troyer, who was a former Brownstein Farber partner. The new U.S. Attorney for Colorado is Jason Dunn who was, at the time of his appointment, a Brownstein Farber partner.

Any claim of violation of Colorado securities or racketeering law would be brought by Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, who was elected in no small part because of money contributed or raised by Brownstein Farber. Insiders also note that most federal and state judges in Colorado have gotten their positions due in large part to the influence of Brownstein Farber, making any criminal legal action difficult.

The only real concern to the law firm is if authorities outside of Colorado take notice. Insiders note that the charges against Bo Brownstein were brought by the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of New York in a federal court in New York City.

The Denver federal court docket indicates that next action to be taken in the lawsuit is scheduled for May for a Status Conference with all the parties. More people may start to pay attention to the Black Tie Society Civil War as public awareness of its existence and implications grows and grows.

The above article cites Jeremy & Mia Abelson and Jonathan Marsico & Sam Zaitz as defendants in the Berlin litigation matter. They were all dismissed from the matter and are no longer defendants in this action.